Well-Known Member

4x8 tent ( using half at the min so 4x4 ) 6 x 16 liter fabric pots (60/40 perlite ) all with strawberry diesel all 4 weeks from seed . using canna coco a and b at 2ml per L rhizotonic and canazyme 100 ML each all in 50 liter res . E.C = 1.1 .
using migro array 4x4 500w led set at 60 o/o
40 cm above the canopy .
watering on a timer at 6 pm to 6:07 pm split into 3x18 seconds feeds then again at 9pm to 9:07 split into the same x 3 feeds then last feed is at 11pm to 11:07 with the same feed time and that is when runoff starts and i end the feeds untill the following day .
temp 26 degrees celsius humidity 65 percent vpd 1 sometimes 1.10
i have been dosing co2 for a few hours each day via bottle and regulator also using inkbird co2 monitor to reach 1000 pppm a few hours a day .
the problem i have i am guessing as i transplanted into 16 L pots very early from rockwool cube around 2 weeks /3 weeks old so i may be over saturating the coco ? problems with calcium magnesium uptake ?
maybe i need to add cal mag as i have never run them under a led before
my tap water does not measure anything on the blue lab truncheon so i have 0 ppm water but canna coco a and b should have enough cal mag ?
i’m also thinking maybe it’s feeding / saturating too much for the age which may be causing limited access to immobile nutrients or lack of calcium or mag uptake .
anyway i would appreciate any one chiming in with any advice , thank you for taking the time to read my post .

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