New leaves coming in yellow


Well-Known Member
i have a couple plants that appear healthy, but the new leaves are coming in yellow.

for 2 of the plants, the leaves eventually turn green, but not very dark.

one of them has drooping leaves that are pure yellow and they are starting to get some brown spots that looks like dirty water on them.

any thoughts ? the pics are kind of shitty from a cell phone cam , but i need help with this ASAP.


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could do with a bit more info, are you giving nutes? How often and how much do you water? what lights are they under? room temps and humidity?
yeah sorry man.

125 w. cfl system.

they are in a 1 gal. aerogarden. using the Advanced Nutrients Vitaboost Pro.
i do 1 tsp/gal now, started at 1/4 stength.

my tap water has ppm of around 200, never has been over but the 190 range mostly.

change resovoir every week.

room temp is 73-77 depending on the time of day. stays constant at 75 during normal daytime hours. But it borders an exterior wall so the temp can vary depending what its like outside (in the 20s here now)

res. pH is 5.8-6.0. always very stable.
well, you seem to have most things covered to tell you the truth. Have you any other plants in the same grow, and are they in the same condition or normal? Haave you checked for spider mite?
no pest at all, thats a definite.

Fe deficency avlon? what is the cause and what are some treatments?

my next step is to add an airstone and hopefully get more 02 to the roots.

theres 6 plants in this grow. 4 are like the first two pictures- appear healthy but are yellowed.

the other 2 are very droopy, wrinkly and have those brown spots on them.
well storz thats the only thing i can recommend. As your ph is stable you cant have lock out. Can only recommend that you get an air atone and improve the o2 feed to the roots. You can add other products to help with o2 levels. I take it the root system is healthy and not slimy or rotten. Are you still on 1/4 strength nutes?
no, ive upped to full strength.

i havent felt the roots for sliminess, but they are not rotten at all, bright white, bushy roots.

going to get an airstone tonight, see what happens.
no, initially i upped it because i thought they were starving.

these plants were all in soil, which is how i normally grow. i got the aerogarden as an experiment and dropped these plants in at about 9 days old.

on the aero threads, people were using 1/4 strength from seed. so i started with a little less than that, about 1ml/gal. I have since upped it to 1/2 and eventually full.

i started out really slow because the plants werent on nutes in the soil and i didnt know how a soil to aero transplant would go.

i really thought my issue was temp because its gotten pretty cold where i live very recently. one wall of this room is an exterior one so i was afraid that was the issue. this past weekend i ripped off the paneling, put in more insulation, just in case.
lower soil ph to 6.5 or less... avoid ferts that have lots of manganese, zinc, and copper. high levels of phosphorus will compete with the iron..

got this from Jorge Cervantes book..
these guys are in an aerogarden setup.

there really is no medium the roots are suspended in the nute solution.

pH for aero/hydro should be about 5.8 or so.
Hi, I had the same problem with my last grow. My problem started with the tips turning yellow and eventually the whole leaf. I found that the nutes need to be added gradually. especially first four nodes. I cleaned out my res. and ran straight water for about 10 day to 2 weeks. I run a drip system. You should see improvement in the next node or 2. Also I had bad water like yourself. I don't know where you live but I live in the north. When it snowed I would shovel enough to fill a big rubbermaid tub. Brought it indoors and let it thaw. My reading where less than 10ppm. Good luck!
Oh and one other thing. When you go back to nutes try 1/8th strength. After a couple more nodes move up GRADUALLY.
ok ww

let me get this clear

flush, run straight water for 10-14 days...

...then add 1/8 nutes for a couple nodes and increase nutes?

and supplementing during those 10 days, or just leave them alone with the water?
Straight water, but after a week you should notice improvement. Even so I would hold off on the nutes. If this is your first time trying hydro I hope your not using that expensive of seeds. While not that hard there is a little learning curve. I have done both and enjoy hydro way more and less messy. HOPE THIS HELPS! Good Luck!
yes this is my first hydro type grow.

but no worries, just some bagseeds. i figured i wanted to perfect it first before i got serious.

i appreciate your assistance, ill keep you posted with some more pics towards the weekend

we just got a shit ton of snow!! im going to melt some down and see what its ppm is. that would save me a couple trips for low ppm water