New Member Check Out My 2nd Grow, Highly Experimental, Myth Testing..

Hello Community, New Member Here
saying a warm hello to all. I’d like to share my garden and get some opinions and just share what I’ve been working on.
I’ve also tried to experiment with a few things, such as spraying aloe, lollipoping, topping, running a side light in attempt to enhance nugs, stem splitting,
Heavy fan, veg 20/4..flower 12/12..
Things to Induce stress
I recently zip tied some as they’ve begun to lean & slightly bent a branch or 2.
.& By accident every watering was a feeding.
Meaning I gave nutrients each time I gave water.
seemed to have burned the top of 1 plant as well.
I recently flushed their soil. Which made some of the plants BOOM overnight .
So without further ado here are some pics please share your opinions and love , Peace .
Soil ocean forest.


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