new nute mixture 18-18-20?


Active Member
So what can somebody tell me about that.its plant food that said 18-18-20 for the 3 main nutes you need to add,so i added it as directed(1 tbsp to 1 gallon).can someboy maybe tell me what this will do,good/bad?thanks!



Active Member
If your using that for veg i would delute it. I use around 10-15-10 for veg. How many plants you got going? Try it on one and if it get yellow leaves or dies of burn then you'll know if it's good or bad. lol


Well-Known Member
it depends if you are using it for veg or flowering. for vegitation/growth you want nutes high in nitrogen, for flowering you want nutes high in phosphorus. 18-18-20 is pretty high in N and P. I use 12-6-6 for veg and 5-10-5 for flowering.


Active Member
If your using that for veg i would delute it. I use around 10-15-10 for veg. How many plants you got going? Try it on one and if it get yellow leaves or dies of burn then you'll know if it's good or bad. lol
i have one..its so grows fast.the first picture is on the 1st of july.the second is from today.notice the height of the leavs compared to the green leaf thing on the pinwheel in the background.

I have a couple of questions if anyone would like to help out a new grower. I live in south florida and just planted a nice bit of seends outdoors. I started them in a damp plastic bag then once they popped I put tem into a five gallow bucket together (about 12) with some Miracle-Grow seed starting soil. They broke though the soil so quickly and started to show leaves in about two days. All of a sudden a few days later they all got black spots on the little guys which eventually turned brown. Most of then looked like they were starting to die and most eventually did. Could it had been the heat that killed them since it's July in Florida? Or sme kind of fungus? It had also been raining like 5 days on a row before this happened. Also since I'm a new grower I was wondering when you can tell the sex of some other plants that are healthily reaching about a foot tall. Will it always be when te light is at 12/12 or are there other signs. Thanks