New old dude from PNW (Western WA)

Hey, just a newb saying hi. I'm in the Puget Sound area and doing my first indoor grow. I haven't grown pot since the sixties, and that was outside in upstate NY. I didn't smoke pot from about 1973 until just a few years ago, and have gradually begun enjoying it again. I'm retired, and can't see paying for something I can grow myself.

Wow, have things changed! Anyway, I bought some seeds from Holland and have 2 plants going in a simple SCRoG setup: potting soil; bank of 12 CFLs; MiracleGrow. As I commented in another thread just now, I know it's not optimal but I needed to break through the inertia of Researching Forever For Fucking Perfection. It's amazing how having actual green things that depend on you stirs you to action! As far as I can tell my lighting setup is fine (nice dense grown and very dark green leaves), so I'm starting to put together a small aeroponic box (6 plants) and plan to document my progress and failures here and hopefully give back to the community.



New Member
Hello from another older dude (53) who is applying my green thumb to the 420 world for the first time. Getting a little scared cause I'm looking at harvest in a few weeks and haven't tried the stuff in over 30 years...


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Look forward to seeing your aeroponic setup!! Have any pics of your scrog? I used to run SoG myself ;) The main thing I would suggest even before getting better lights is to try some better nutrients, it makes a HUGE difference in not only the yield but with the end result smoke/taste/burn etc


Well-Known Member
as long as you're not saying westchester county is upstate you're alright in my book. Welcome aboard!


Active Member
Definitely off to a good start, thinnk into getting some HID lighting for better penetration than those CFLS.
Also, welcom to RUi xD