New operation into action


Well-Known Member
So I will be moving in about 2months & I have not started another grow because of this. But my new room has a real big closet & I want to have a 250watt hps in the closet to vegg max 2plants at a time & use my grow tent with a 400watt system to flower my girls.

I was tripping because is this too much electricity to use or should I might as well run up a big bill since it's going to be my first bill in the new house?


Well-Known Member
How much will you pay per watt?
I don't think hats a lot of electricity use some people run 3 1000w lamps...


Well-Known Member
I dontnknow the cost of killowatts. I'm just worried that too much electricity can look suspicious. But shouldn't I run up the bill to make it look like I just have a high bill. Like that's just how I live using up wattages & stuff


Well-Known Member
familys all over the country are power hogs!! xboxes, big screens, computers, ovens all on at the same time. You are just another one.;-)
Go big! Grow Big!


Well-Known Member
Well yeah if you want to start growing in the house your gonna move into it would be better
if you start the first month you move into it.