New pest of the year.


Well-Known Member
Every year there's a new insect that wants to eat my crop. I have not seen this type of damage before. Looks like the leaves were hit with birdshot. Can anybody ID the perpetrator.


I've seen this before on some of my plants, and i've also seen leaf hoppers so I'd agree with @thumper60 . Do you recommend spraying w/neem oil before any insect activity??
tri colored leaf hopper they spread disease.
Ty I will look into that. I haven't seen any yet this year I've seen the plain green one. You're talking that one that looks like a pride month flag blue red green yellow etc
Ty I will look into that. I haven't seen any yet this year I've seen the plain green one. You're talking that one that looks like a pride month flag blue red green yellow etc
Yes here in the north east we have the tri color ones There's different colored ones out west but they all do the same damage. Not a easy pest to deal with they move around a lot. I just try to kill as i see them.
Defenitely Leafhopper damage, I'd cut the affected areas off. They spread all kinds of nasty stuff.
Over the next few weeks, the veins will collapse and bacterial necrosis will set in.
Keep up with bt-k treatments, leafhopper don't like the brown bentonite clay residue that's used with it.
Pyrethrins mixed with bt-k also work as IPM in veg.
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