New ScrOG Technique Question


Active Member
Squares are rectangles. Im sure triangles would work. Would think u would want bigger than 1x3?

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Well-Known Member
there's a method called CCOB (crop circle of bud)
you basically take and do uncle bens 2 top technique, let them grow about 18-24" tall, and bend them around a tomato cage then put them into flower 7-14 days later. The result is a low stress train that takes less than 15 minutes total training time for the whole grow , the vertical growth stops and all the nodes shoot out and grow out, giving you an even canopy of bud

when you take the two main stems and train them around the cage, you cross them once where they "tee" off the main stem. This helps with nute flow/rigidity.

i learned this from a user named hobbes, who i think has since passed away, so i credit him with the idea.


Well-Known Member
OP, yes rectangles will work, its just a matter of training and veg time to maximize yield.

In regards to seperate screens, these too are totally do-able, just make sure that the entire system can be moved without disturbing the canopy.



Active Member
Capt Kush Ty. How much veg time you think I should do? I'm wanting to do it right so I was thinking a 6 week but idk if my scrog is big enough for a 6 week. Veg will be a 400w cmh


Active Member
If squares were rectangles then why do rectangles have their own name and shape? And I have limited space so if I did a 5x3 scrog all in one then I wouldn't be able to get to the back plants at all.
Lol. Which i really did laugh out loud.

n geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral. This means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles, or right angles). [1] It can also be defined as a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length. A square with vertices ABCD would be denoted ABCD.

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Active Member
Lol. Which i really did laugh out loud.

n geometry, a square is a regular quadrilateral. This means that it has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles, or right angles). [1] It can also be defined as a rectangle in which two adjacent sides have equal length. A square with vertices ABCD would be denoted ABCD.

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rectangle is any quadrilateral with four right angles. It can also be defined as an equiangular quadrilateral, since equiangular means that all of its angles are equal (360°/4 = 90°). It can also be defined as a parallelogram containing a right angle. A rectangle with four sides of equal length is a square

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Active Member
Comon.... r u thinking straight here? So obviously u know a square works... but ur unsure if a rectangle will work or not? Either u r unclear or just brain farting

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Active Member
Obviously you guy never heard my op correctly. I said square as in a perfect 1x1sq ft not talking about the shape exactly. And ya haha Idc make fun of me all you want nerds. Weed is weed not rocket science.
Im saving ur post to show people why not to smoke crack

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DO NOT USE RECTANGULAR SHAPED SCROGS. Rectangles cause plants to hermaphodite. I've heard even saying the word around a plant can make it seed instantly...