Hey guys... I'm kinda noob at this and please disregard the plant currently in there, it was a test project under very low light conditions and was tied over for a while. Down to the point, Me and my Fiance recent built this little grow cabinet and as budget is a big concern, I'm working on getting 1 big 125W 3000k CFL to hang from the top on a chain to raise and lower, and I'm working on getting 4 lamps that will support 42w CFLs to place around the edges, ideally wall mountable so I can move and adjust. Each one of the 42w CFLs will be 2700k, 4100k, 5100k and 6500k to help balance the whole light spectrum. It comes out to be 17,300 lumen per square foot when I actually do get all the lights and the sun is only 10,000 lumen, so I figure it should be plenty of light, and a balanced spectrum which focuses more on the lower end for the flowering stages but I do intend to use these lights for all stages. I have holes drilled in the top for a little ventilation. Just wondering any comments or tips or improvements. Remember, I want a most effective giant yielding plant for a low low cost and do disregard the little light deprived baby in there currently, Its about ready to harvest according to the tricromes and my jewelers loupe but the buds consist of like nothing, so if you know any tips to increase the yield of the plant already in there, when harvest is prolly a week away, let me know too. Thanks!!