New smoker, Help please


Active Member
Hi i just recently started smoking marijuana. Im 18 but only have smoked like 6 times in my life and usually with other people. I got some weed and yesterday i made a waterfall bong to tried it out by myself. I got it to work but I coughed a lot. I have a few questions:

What does it mean when its stale?

when i smoke with a blunt or bong i dont cought that much. Did i do something wrong with the waterfall? I think i used the lighter too much. bongsmilie


New Member
When the smoke sits in whatever you are smoking out of it for like 5-10 seconds it gets stale therefore becoming harsh and nasty


It's a waterfall/ gravity bong... You'll cough.
As for coughing in general...
Don't take such big hits until the weed steals your lung's virginity. ;)


Well-Known Member
Coughing isnt a bad things(opens up your lungs and gets you higher i believe). Just dont take bigs hits. With and kinda bong you should never leave the hit inside the bong for very long...just makes it taste really bad


Well-Known Member
Plus with a waterfall or any type of bong, the sheer volume of smoke alone will make you cough. Hell, I cough sometimes when I take a mighty rip from any type of bong. It's just so much more smoke at once compared to a pipe or joint.


Well-Known Member
It's a waterfall/ gravity bong... You'll cough.
As for coughing in general...
Don't take such big hits until the weed steals your lung's virginity. ;)

Baby stebs . . bongsmilieBIG HIT/////:sleep:STONED MOTHERF*KA////:wall:LUNGS=FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ya, if you're 18 go and get yourself a $10 spoon pipe. And get a screen for it, a glass one, not a metal one.

that'll let you take rips as big or as small as you want, and work your lungs up for bigger things like waterfalls.


Well-Known Member
yea dude...ya gotta build a tolerance to the smoke. i still cough my ass of and i only take little tokes from my teeny i agree that getting a pipe would be a good idea...or if u wanna splurge a little...get urself a bong. i love smoking outta my bong. :) i got myself some little glass screens just the other day! they're hella cute...little flower shaped things...yea yea. i such a girl...haha.


Well-Known Member
my experiences with waterfalls have made me not a fan. Most of the time the smoke is stale and harsh and can make me gag and sometimes if its not made that well I wonder how much plastic is boiling off into it. Your better off smoking out of a soda can or foil pipe I think. Maybe its just me but I dont really like gravitys for the same reason either, though my friend had one that was basically a chopped off liquor bottle and all glass which wasn't too bad.