new sprouts growing tall and skinny

I have a 400 watt hubble metal halide directly over tops and 20inches from tops, my new sprouts have really tall stems and little leafs just opened i mean like 2-3inch stems and little 4 leaf just after a seed opens up... what could be the problem should i raise those plants and if so to what degree. or what could it be thanks in advance
-Purp Vador:leaf:

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I would say put them under a flouro or cfl like 1 inch from the top, depending on how many sprouts of course. I find cflswork really well at that size to promote compactness
thanks also how do i subscribe to my post to get them in my notifications, or in my roll it up so i can view posts easy...


Well-Known Member
I dont think its good for a seedling to be under such powerful lighting, Like said above, use a CFL or a t5


New Member
sprouts get a little carried away sometimes untill they burn up they're food stores contained within the seed. twisty tie them to a popsicle stick or somthing if they get too spindley. Once they develope solid roots the stock will beef up and be fine.

I use t12 flouros in a blue spectrum for seedlings


Active Member
phil is right, plants will stretch to find light especially young seedlings, dont be suprised to find them fallen over soon. a t-5 or other cfl placed inches from the plant should stop this, it will also effect the internodal spaceing later on in life
yes, i have a t-12 i am using in my mondi-dome, clone dome its like the top of the dome is like 6in and tubes in reflector and ballast sits on dome directly over they were groing good until i put them under the mh so this explains a lot have gdp, skywalker og and hopefully og kush growing/veggin. skywalker og cloning 2 done