New Starter! Glass Greenhouse In UK

I got some white OG, Badazz OG Cheese and Outdoor UK growing. I germinated 2 of OG, 3/4 of cheese and 3 of outdoor. Pictures attached. I used normal clover branded multi purpose compost. I've only been using filtered water from the tap once a day, although today I watered them twice as it looked like the soil was quite dry half way through the day. I'm trying to steady this as much as I can, I wish the UK would give us better sunnier days but we are predicted rain n cloud for the next 4/5days. I'm hoping they get enough sunlight, I'm not so worried about the temperature as it seems it doesnt go below 5C so far plus they are in the greenhouse so the night temp is around 6/8C outside generally so far in late Apr early May .. I just hope they continue to grow. Also I have tomorite and cal/mag n some nutrient formula thingy, miracle grow plant food. I haven't yet added any to the plants yet as I wanted to do this naturally until the plants are ready to take these boosts in the best time efficient manner. Any advice given on what I can do if its extremely cloudy one day and I'm worried about the sunlight, I'm hoping it doesnt affect them too much also when should I start feeding. I see a lot recommend after week 2. It's only been 6 days, i planted them on the 20th. 420 for good luck and hope for the best. Any advice or love shared is appreciated thanks.


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Heya bud, beans are looking good. They been getting on ok this last week? Enjoying the last week or two of sun I bet.
Not much you can do for extra light when outdoors, just make sure they are in the sunniest spot of the greenhouse - I.e least amount of shade caused by greenhouse frame/anything else.
They growing OK in those overnight temps? I have still been bringing my wee girls in from the greenhouse each evening, but I'm pretty far north so still been down to 1'c even in greenhouse overnight.