New Stoner Girl Here

Hey everyone! Good to be here! I am obviously new to this site or I wouldn't be posting here, now would I? haha! I have been growing Cannabis for about 2 1/2 years now and I love every minute of it! I hope that maybe I can help some poeple out along the way too! Again, I am new, so I am learning the ropes here. I catch on fast though... I recently harvest 2 plants. My pride and joys! ha!

Well, again, it's good to be here. I hope to make some friends along the way as well. So don't be shy! Lets be friends! I'm down! :peace:


Nice to meet you CaliGrown. I'm quite new on this site also. An even newer grower. First female plant getting close to the finish. Can't believe I pulled it off with all the mistakes I've made. Lol


Active Member
I need to find me a stoner chick. All the chicks I've dated let me smoke my weed but it's better when the lady wants to do the same shit.
I need to find me a stoner chick. All the chicks I've dated let me smoke my weed but it's better when the lady wants to do the same shit.
I agree azryda420. What is it with some chicks anyway? My lady allows me my grows and my smoke, but treats it as if it were some sort of character flaw. It'd be nice to find a lady who is totally into it.
WOW fast responses! I like that! And yes, all pictures of plants I have are all mine! I grew them myself. I am a legal Medical Marijuana Patient in 2 states! And A legal grower in one... Gotta keep it legal when traveling! LOL

HaHa at least you got the Charming part right there! LMAO

I love growing. It's a passion I never knew I had until 2 years ago! Now I just want to grow, grow and grow some more!

Thank You all for the really warm welcome! Glad I am here! I can't wait to start a grow journal... Is there some where I can upload my plnat photos here and share them???


Active Member
Is there some where I can upload my plnat photos here and share them???
The size limit is pretty wack. What I do is this. I upload the image to (leave the email fields blank they aren't required) and then once its uploaded I copy the "Forum Code" they provide and the pic shows up when you paste the code into your post on here. In high quality too. Which is hella needed for the shit were looking at.

I just moved here from Arizona too before they started doing medical cards. But I got mine up here and am in heaven. Growing plants is rewarding in so many ways. And it's good to know how to cultivate something that the world may need one day like if theres a great flood or volcano. lol


I'm going to be applying for both my license to grow and my license to use. I'm hoping my first darling little plant will take the edge off some of my pain. And make my hubby happy. hahaha


Active Member
I'm going to be applying for both my license to grow and my license to use. I'm hoping my first darling little plant will take the edge off some of my pain. And make my hubby happy. hahaha
most places if you have a card you can grow as well. I know here in Cali I can have 12 per license. or pay a little extra and grow up to 99.


most places if you have a card you can grow as well. I know here in Cali I can have 12 per license. or pay a little extra and grow up to 99.
In Canada its very regulated. One individual is allowed 1-3 grams per day. I'm still delving into things up here. At least my doc is on my side. :-)


Well-Known Member
Yay more women growing. Good to see you are so passionate about growing. I'm actually on my first grow and things are going amazing ^_^. Now if only i could find myself a woman that enjoys horticulture.


Well-Known Member
It's funny because I think it's a character law if you DON'T smoke! hahahahaha!!
LOL SAME! its wierd hanging out with nonsmokers and the lingos dont carrry over at all n they all like wow this guy is crazy. N then i get them to smoke finally n they all be like DAMN MAN I GET U! I get you mane! All the sudden you make so much sense. shit but I'm always like what the fuck do u mean you dont smoke weed