New to dwc


Hi everyone, I'm on my first dwc grow. I've been reading that autos don't do too well in dwc. Is this true? I have about 20 mephisto genetics seeds that im dying to plant. But dont want to waste them . so im experimenting with a fast bud auto gelato first. Should i be using rapid start, hydrogaurd, and great white at the same time? Arent they all similar?


Well-Known Member
No, not similar. Rapid start is growth hormones and a tiny bit of nutrition.
Great white is mycorrhizea, a beneficial root fungus. And I'm not sure what hydroguard is. I've had autos go both ways in my DWC. Some do beautifully others, not quite so well. This is caramelicious auto from Oh and of the three products, I only use rapid start in my system. I've seen something (pretty sure it was the hydroguard) make a film on dude's roots and it almost killed his girls. @Destroyer of chairs you used that stuff didn't you?



No, not similar. Rapid start is growth hormones and a tiny bit of nutrition.
Great white is mycorrhizea, a beneficial root fungus. And I'm not sure what hydroguard is. I've had autos go both ways in my DWC. Some do beautifully others, not quite so well. This is caramelicious auto from Oh and of the three products, I only use rapid start in my system. I've seen something (pretty sure it was the hydroguard) make a film on dude's roots and it almost killed his girls. @Destroyer of chairs you used that stuff didn't you?
Well that's a beautiful specimen. Strain?? And I've read great things about hydrogaurd. But no personal experience. Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
"Caramelicious Auto" from
This one I got as a freebie it was "Beast Mode auto" from Mega Buds pulled 72g dried from her. Got her through



Well-Known Member
I’m so new at the Dwc, Question how long do you run the nutrients in the DWC? I have three in the DWC one that’s a ring drip, 2. Drain and waste, 3 is the 2 unit system ring drip, sandstone bubbler because of the roots are on the top. See pic! Poor girl! She’s going on 3 weeks, sickening! Others are 10 days and Vemon on day 5

