new to growing first time organic grow.

Im wondering if my setup looks right , im going to trying to harvest 3 plants every week not sure if its going to work, I was also wondering if the nuts im using look right for diff stages , I just got that bag of bat guano and i want to use it in my bloom room, not sure if its a good idea. Im worried about burning the plants, My rooms are around 84F is this a problem I just up graded my lights yesterday I went from 2 400watts in bloom room to 2 600watts rooms were like 78F befor.



Well-Known Member
Nice going. You say your a noob? It looks like you may be growing for others. Is that name tags on the pots? If so who is Dilan? Bob Dilan. LoL. JK. I dont care who or what those are for all I know for fact is then some beauties. You guys are so hooked up being able to grow like that. Down here under the sun we would get sodomized by the law. One day we will be in the compatician. LoL.
Hey thanks, I think I over did it a little on the lights im prob gona take some down I feel like my electrick bill is gona be noticable, and i have to save some juice for the air conditioner when its really hot out. I named that plant dylan cuz that the name of the kid who over charged me for the quarther bag i found the seed in, so now i over charge him lol. I have good strains to not just bag seeds for the record. O and i am a noob i my bud my look good but it dosent have that good taste to it gota keep working at it.