New to growing tell me what you think...


This is my first grow ever i have a nice little setup in my room and wanted to see how i was doing with your opinions...dont be harsh :-| Maybe some tips? thanksss:joint::peace:

3days old

7 Days

8 days

Started this feb01,2010


its a sour diesel strain, im using miricale grow soil, and i have 2 cfl 26 watt bulbs, second is mainly to add more heat to keep the temp between 68F-75F.......right now light stays on 24 hours, going to change to 18/6 (on/off) in a week or so, then when the plant gets to about 12 inches i will change to 12/12 to start flowering stage and cross my fingers its a female lol....if i continue on my plans does anyone have an estimate on the yeild of this grow??

This is my box set up, it isnt anythin crazy just somethin i put together in an hour or so....



Well-Known Member
Water less. Your soil is pretty saturated for that little guy/gal.

If it will fit, get a y adapter and set it in your reflector so you can get more light to the plant.


Heres an update on my plants at Day 12...Opinions? Also im having either a Fruit Fly or Fungus Knats not sure exactly which they are but anyone have ideas on how to take care of this? any ideas will help! thanks in advance

Sour Diesel Day 12



thanks for that, i kno exactly wut it is, its over fertilizing, im a newbie remember :( but thanks alot for that tip


Well-Known Member
thanks for that, i kno exactly wut it is, its over fertilizing, im a newbie remember :( but thanks alot for that tip
that is not over ferting

that is clear heat moisture stress leaves are standing up and tips are curling up, indicates the plant is transpiring really hard (stress)

as a newbe you need to learn when the plant is telling you things

and that plant is screammin!


so for heat and moisture what should i do? light is on 24 hours, should i change to 18on 6 off? and my fan runs for 12 hours should i have it run longer?


Well-Known Member
so for heat and moisture what should i do? light is on 24 hours, should i change to 18on 6 off? and my fan runs for 12 hours should i have it run longer?
What are your Temps and humidity?

What light are you using and how close is it?

How often do you water? and how much water?


Not sure what the humidity is i dont have a reader for that, but my temp stays between 68-75 (68-70 night time) , im using 2 26 watt (100 watts equivelent) hanging from the top...ill show a pic



Well-Known Member
from your pic, it looks like the lights are plenty far away perhaps to far, I would have those lights closer (between 2 and 4 inches at this stage of growth)

the liner looks like tin foil, I would get rid of that and replace it with mylar (you can get a space blanket at wallmart for a few bucks) tin foil reflects heat and can cause hot spots (though probably not so much with those lights)

and humidity is very important and at this stage in growth should be between 50 & 60% (meters to measure are cheap walmart has em for $7)

Your temps are good

best advice is to lower the lights and see if the leaves settle down


well honestly, i just raised them this morning thinking that was the case cause they were too close, i had them about 2 inches above the lights now they are at about 5 inches


Well-Known Member
well honestly, i just raised them this morning thinking that was the case cause they were too close, i had them about 2 inches above the lights now they are at about 5 inches
Ok I gotta say this is a head scratcher :bigjoint:

watch em with the lights up, but I use those to veg and have had em at 1 inch with no problem???

so not sure, is that in fact tin foil ???

and for watering you want plenty of run off when you water , watering just a bit or with no runoff will lead to problems down the road

also I would run the fan 24/0

How is your source of fresh air ? could be low CO2 causing this ???

ultimately your goal is to get those leaves to relax to stop the stress, make minor tweaks and watch em for response


yes its foil lol...cheapest fast thinking thing i could use LOL, ill watch it a bit put my fan on 24 hrs and see how things work out


Well-Known Member
yes its foil lol...cheapest fast thinking thing i could use LOL, ill watch it a bit put my fan on 24 hrs and see how things work out
I just asked another member to come have a look we'll see what he thinks?

I would get rid of the tin foil though, simply painting that box flat white would be better

Am I Norml

Active Member
Not sure what the humidity is i dont have a reader for that, but my temp stays between 68-75 (68-70 night time) , im using 2 26 watt (100 watts equivelent) hanging from the top...ill show a pic

what up guys !! yea that tinfoil has got to go ... it si going to do nothing but cause MAJOr heat stress on that plant ... Tinfoil = HotSpots Bigtime And unless that is a purple strain that purpleing is a nute deficiency .. Magnesium i think ... and when you water are you watering enough to let it stand in your water catcher under the pot .. MJ hates to get its feet wet .. id try a flush with a gallon of spring water .. loads of micronutrients in it .. and then take her off the nutes altogether for about a week and just let her have little sips of distilled to leach out the soil alittle ... something toxic is happening there and its coupled with your overheating her .. even tho your ambient temps are right that DAMN TIN FOIL will make it 3 times as hot in certain spots .. hope she gets well soon :)