New to Growing (TENT) 4X4

New to growing so sorry ahead of time.

I'm going to use a tent 4x4 6.5 Any help would be good as in pointers for using a tent and what kind of method would be good. Wondering if using COCO or some kind of EBB & Flo would be better for first time grower. Any help would be great


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
First time grow, i'd go with soil. Or "soilless mix". Once you know what each nutrient deficiency looks like, then move on to hydro. I'd use the soilless mix for your first grow, so that you can concentrate on keeping the right temps, right humidity, light placement, ventilation and circulation, cloning, etc. Once you gain growing skills, in a couple of crops, move on to hydro. Plus the cost to start up hydro, and buy lights all at once is a big chunk of change, buying the lights/fans/tent now, and hydro equip later, will help spread it out. IMO