NEw to hydroponics and need help with my plants which I cant seem to fix these plants


Active Member
plant issues June 2011 flood table (17).jpgplant issues June 2011 flood table (11).jpg
Ok Ive been growing in soil for 2 years and wanted to switch to flood and drain because this guy i know was pulling 5lbs off 2 tables (4x4) with one 600w over each. his strains were Hash Kush which I have the mother, and White Widow.
Anways this is my 3rd time i have 2 4x4 set up, with one 600w above one and a 1000w under the other. Im only using ADvanced 3 part, blood the first 2 weeks and big bid until wk 5 then overdrive. I add a 1:1:1 all throught the flower cycle with the 3 part.
I was flooding a few time a day when lights on but thought they were over watered to I cut back to once a day or even once every 2 days. and i cant fix it. my ph is 5.8. can anyone tell me why my foliage curls and looks like that.


Active Member

Whats the temps + humidity levels? I used to get that when temps and humidity were too high and also whats your ppms at? looks like slight nute burn there too.


Active Member
my temp is 19 when lights off and 23 with them on. humidity i think is 60.
The thing is I have another room thats way larger and is hotter and more humid, and my plants don't get that, Ill post pictures of the table beside the plants i posted above with leaf issues, and these plants are not on any water schedule there only on the flood table to get them close to the lamp. I use a water container to water each pot. 10 min and ill post them


Active Member
foliage issues inhydro not soil (10).jpgfoliage issues inhydro not soil (17).jpgfoliage issues inhydro not soil (13).jpgfoliage issues inhydro not soil (11).jpgOK I lied the temps was right but the humidity was 80 so I turned on the dehumidifier and got it to 50 but the foliage keep curling up ward. I even raised the shade. And why aren't the the one on the table to the right of them that are under a 1000w not 600w and in soil doing the same thing. there leafs look fine other than a little nute burn. I just used put the pots on the flood table because I didn't have any plants in 4x4 cubes ready. I hand water them too. the ones to the left are connect to a res but not the table with the soil pots. Also do they look over watered? they are wet but when i squeeze them no water drips out is that right or should i flood them more?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the lights could be alittle close perhaps you could try raising them upa bit. Dry crisp curled up leaves can also be a sign of over fertilization, baiscly it cooks the plant.