New to smoking and I need help

Tomorrow I am going to get some pot from this guy who sells to my friend. He said it is medical marijuana from California.

I have smoked before. I went to Amsterdam, I did it a few times in college, and the last time I did it was a few years ago. I was fucked up and not in a good way. I was wondering if anone knew much about cali. medical marijuana in terms of the high, does it make you mellow , etc.

Keep in mind that I am pretty much a virgin smoker.

About me:
New York
Love the Yankees


You'll be fine, just relax and have fun. Hard to say what type of high it is, based off of medical cali bud.

Is it a fun high? Can you describe the high. Some of the highs I have had have done more than just mellow me out. The made me act oddly and it wasn't fun. I just want the euphoria and to be able to chillax before falling asleep. And, how long does the high last until you fall asleep? I hope I am not annoying you with these questions.

If anyone has had any experience with it, I would greatly appreciate a description. Thanks to all who responded. I hope we have a bright clouded in smoke future together.


Well-Known Member
Don't smoke too much, just do it SLOWLY and only take in a tiny tiny bit until you feel really good. If you take too much you'll probably end up having a bad time.


its weed not acid. you cant overdose, if you smoke too much you will wake up fine later on...half the kids having "bad trips" on weed is just fucking anxiety cuz people tell them they need to do all this special shit..just smoke it.

OTHER DRUGS you need to be mindful of your environment. Id say the only real danger you are in is overeating when the munchies kick in. dont go shopping ever when ur high, you WILL over spend lol.


Active Member
dont smoke too much.

weed is classified (basically) into two types: indica...and sativa...indica you feel in your body and sativa you feel in your head.

if you're having bad trips its probably indica (at least thats what my experiences have taught me).

my best advice is to take it slow. dont take hit after hit after hit after hit without stopping for a moment and paying attention to how you're high is coming on.

Most people just rip and rip and rip that by the time they stop they already feel like its been too much.

Weed does take some time to kick in...especially if smoking out of a joint or takes a few mins...

so when you start feeling good my advice would be to stop there. dont wait until you already feel discomfort. if you happen to feel it come on and you're happy and giggly to begin with then you may want to have more. for me sativas always produce "happy" and "good" type feeling highs that arent too overpowering of your reaction times and such.

Best advice i can give.

let us know how it turns out.
Okay, so I know that I have dropped off of the radar for 7 months, but I became the sole caregiver for my grandmother who has cancer and needs my help. She does not live in my area, so I have not had access to anything because I do not know anyone around here. I am sorry for not being more grateful for the advice and responding quickly. I still have some questions about how to make the most out of a bowl. Should I continue to "suck in" until there are no more glowing embers and then just hold it in? I can keep the smoke in without coughing, so I can continue to fill my lungs with smoke so long as it keeps burning. Does that contribute to the high? I am starting all over again, but your past willingness to give me advice gives me hope you guys will hook me up again. I anyone has any tips on how to get better high using a bowl, please share. I do not yet know how to use a bowl and I am only capable of rolling tobacco by hand. Thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
LOL. I try and pick the best parts and toss the rest away.

If I were you I would make some cookies and eat a little with tea and see how you feel.

Weed can be many different experiences since no two buds are exactly the same.

Some can lift your mood and cause you to laugh.
Some, like the Tiki-jo Sweet I am working on releasing, can offer an experience with music and visual graphics like a light show that is unique.
Now some can be way too strong especially the strains that have the forgetful element to them.

Cannabis is cannabis but your life is unique. How you feel is unique and your emotional needs are unique.

Let me put it another way.

I went hiking on a back road that winds down towards the river. A long dusty one lane road that looks over a canyon down to the clean clear water below.
I thought I would enjoy a swim and take a break on the sandy shore.
When i found a spot I went down and there happen to be two lawn chairs in nice shape by the river and no one around.
I went to take off my shirt and place my shoes on the seat of one chair and I noticed a canister. A Film canister on the chair seat I was going to place my shirt on.
I opened it and a lone bud that smelled like Grapefruit was in there along with two short wooden matches and a rolling paper.
On the bottom of the canister, which was white by the way, was the word Enjoy.

So that is what a lot of us think about cannabis. A day by the sunny river in peace with nature.

You can commune with yourself and those around you. It can be a positive experience.

So what happened to that bud? Well I put one of my own with it and placed the container back down on the chair seat. After all One bud is a gift two is a choice.
I can only imagine the smiles of the next soul to find the chairs.

May you find your Chairs every day or your life. peace.