New to the site/growing

On the 5th week of my first grow.
I have 13 plants (3 of which I attempted to do a hydroponic setup) fed with about 300 watts including a 150 Watt HPS.
Just looking for any tips and advice to help improve as far as lighting nutes light cycles so on and so forth.
I don't currently have any picture but I will be able to post some shortly.

:leaf:Still blazin':leaf:


Well-Known Member
You have too many plants for the light you have. HUGE rookie mistake. You have enough lights (Watts) for about 6 plants...and that's pushing it. I have 400W and grow 2 plants. You'll end up with low yielding tall plants looking for light, even if you rotate them. Nutes should be given every week. Hydro, change the water out and clean the tote out.

newb weed grower

Active Member
maybe u could add a little extra juice and those plants look terrible i hope that they get better
i wish i knew wat was whong so i could tell u tho
but sadly i refuse to give bad advice on somehting im not sure of
keep on trucking maybe next time youl do better gl


Well-Known Member
so is this your first or 2nd grow. Both your posts say differently. And in those pictures, it looks like they are getting to much much nutes. Nute burn. Very common mistake. If your grow nutes say 1tsp per gallon, use 1tsp for 2 gallons.