new to this

working on my first grow, lost a few to being males, and 2 more that turned out hermies, they have been in flowering about 4 weeks now. just got a few questions. my thai's are freaking huge (Tall) I am having to grow them side ways and one of my bag seed ones I have had to angle it too and tie it down I measured them and they are all 7-10.5' tall pretty sure I vegged them way to long just found this place so please forgive me I vegged them about 2-3 months they was like 3-4' tall when I put those into flower how tall can I expect those to finish out at, my thai's have small buds starting everywhere, but my 2 bag seed one's have monster buds,on one the top bud is from my figure tips to my elbow in length with about 40+ other buds on the outter branches that keep growing into each other but the other is about 4' and is budding very nicely too. the white pistols just started turning a reddish brown will these things keep growing when they get to that point?

I have started a second batch on a strict 12/12 cycle those are only about 18-20" tall but one of them has a massive bud on it already running half the length of the plant using 400w hps lights on both areas with the light about 18"-24" above plants my question is will the ones on 12/12 get much bigger can I lift the light up to make them stretch out more towards the light.

also if anyone has cross bred any plants how does that work I have 2 white widows and 2 bubblelicus one male one female of each growing all 4 together in a separte area so they will produce seeds, my question here is will one of them be dominate over the other strain when it comes to which strain is male and which one is female? I just want my own strain figured I would try something different. I guess my real question is if my male white pollenates the bubble will it be the same if the bubble male pollenates the white?


Well-Known Member
Sound's to me like you are learning from your own mistakes this is by far the best way to do it, no matter how many books you read or threads you read nothing will come close to your own learning.There are too many conflicting views on the growing of cannabis each grow is differant so you can only realy go on your own persanal experiance.But the one thing that i would take from this grow is that if the grow room is 8 ft tall then flower at 2/12 ft this will give you ample room for any streching all though if the lights are close to the tops then there should be very little.You realy wanna sort the true females out of the grow this is easy done by takeing a small clone and rooting it then put on 12/12 off this will give you the sex befor flowering and risking loseing all the plants to males pollanteing the females.thai super skunk was one of the 1st plants that i ever grew indoors and she was a monsters of a plant i too flowered too late i did the same with arjons ultra haze but i pulled 6 oz of my first crop 19 oz of 3 plants dry so i loved it but i had to bend her all over tieing her tops to the floor then she would grow bk up again and i did the same again till i learn how to supercrop the right way any one can fold a plant over but to do it in the right palce to get the max from the plant without too much stress to her is a art form belive me.Also from what you have put bigger plants don't all ways produce the most yeild beacuse light will only penatrate the top couple of feet so i now use smaller tubs and flower at about 1 1/2 ft and still pull the same ammount has i did from the big plants due to more light and the buds been more dence.One's the plant has the starburst buds on the ends this is the time that not much more streching will happen but by keeping the light inces of the plant top's during the growing period all this streching can be avoided.The breeding section is a differant ball gae all togeather you realy have to have a look at the geno type of the two plants to see waht % is indica and what is sativa to find out what it will contain most of ie if one of the plant say the male is 30% indica and 70 % sativa and the other is 40% indica and 60% sativa then it will be more of a sativa dominent plant all though all goes a differant way depending witch parent is the healthyest.good luck if i can help in any future grows post to me on my home page peace tyke.............................................................