new to white widow


Active Member
Hi all,

I have been growing for years and have been going crazy over my 1st attempt at white widow. Please help!

3 female clones from own mother
3 weeks into grow
1 600w digital hps. Bulb temp approx. 580-600
Water Farm hydro grow 3 white widows
Room temp w/ light is 77 - w/o lights 10 deg. drop
Leaf temp- 77
RH 35%
Solution temp - 77
Nutes 50%
Feed time at 30 sec. on 5 min. off
lights started 20-4, now 18-6 with current issue.
Charcoal cannister with exhaust outside the house
Oscilating fan on 24 hrs.

The plants are growing very short with 3 nodes per 2 inches(CRAZY). The branches are very thick and overall they are very very bushy compared to other grows.

This doesn't concern me too much, but about 3 hrs before the light goes out the largest begins to droop as though the light has been on it for to long and it wants to sleep. The color of the leaves are great. Dark green on larger lower fans with spectrum to light green thru new growth. The larger one is the only one that is struggling to find that deep dark green.

I tried lowering the light once to see if it is heat or light stress. Thus, the short bushy growth. This made it worse on all 3. Currently the light is almost 4 ft. from the plants.

This is all a first for me. The room temp. is good. I am not growing enough plants to concern myself with c02 issues. I usually keep the light only 2 ft. away on all other grows. I have lowered the light time to 18-6 to attempt to accomidate what the plant seems to want.

These plants have the potential to be MONSTERS. I have never in 4 years seen such thick stalks or near as many nodes per square inch as this. I am fearfull that there is something wrong.

It feels like light stress due to the number of nodes and the bushyness. But how could that be at that distance and the temperature.

What is this plant trying to tell me that it gets up in the morning with new growth reaching for the sky and gradually after the 15-16 hrs. of light that it is falling?

Am I just freekin?

Thank you!