New User looking for help


Hi All,
Im new to these forums but what hoping some of you wouldnt mind having alook at this photo and lending any advice you might have.
but first a little info on the grow.
I am growing auto seeds ultra lemon haze, its my first grow and am running a 250 watt hps light in a cupboard approx 50cm x 110cm with height up to 7ft available. I have 5 packed into the cupboard as i figured being autos they would be small and therefore with some trimming they would fill the space nicely, i am unsure if they are fully auto or not as i have read other threads where people discribe them as semi auto, im not sure when they started flowering esactly perhaps is coincided with me putting them on 12/12 for a while, i have definatly made some mistakes on this grow, like i mentioned they went on 12/12 for a while and then back to 18/6 as thinking they where autos i didnt think it would matter and perhaps even theyd grow quicker. My concerns are that i feel like they have been flowering for about a month i think and i suspect perhaps they should be putting on a little mass by now, as there is 5 in the cupboard there are heaps of bud sites, i did trim some off, and i also stuck in a 125w red cfl at the bottem of the cupboard to throw a little light up from beneath. i use bio bizz products, bio grow since start and top max bio bloom and bio heaven since flowering began, i have been a little lax with my measuring up untill present and have been mixing all in to the water on every feed which i do most days. i find it hard to hold temperature steady as i like in a caravan but generally its pretty good around 70-75. I am concerned i have a little nitrogen claw so am begining a flush for a couple days. Im rocking all-mix soil but i mixed in some extra clay pebbles which i regret as i think it might contribute to me having to water more than i would if it were all soil. perhaps its a watering issue, too much too little. I appreciate my situation is a bit off a mess, next grow i will note what day im on etc, keep a better diary. for now if some of you could just glance these few pics and see if you can offer any advise regarding anything i mentioned that would be very greatly appreciated.
many thanks



Just for your information: Indicas take about 7-8 weeks and sativas up to 11 weeks.

The first two weeks of flowering activate the flowering hormones. The 3rd and 4th week is where the hairs and little buds develop. But the real growth comes withing the last weeks of flowering. So far your plants look good.


Well-Known Member
I know what it's like to be always second guessing your first grow. How's your ventilation? I assume your getting some fresh air in if your temps are between 70-75. Can you take a couple closeup pics of your leaves where I noticed some spotting? Also if you really are feeding every watering like I think you stated I'm surprised you have no nutrient burn going on. It's best to feed every other watering so the salt buildup from the nutrients can dissipate a little. bubbling your water for 24 or more hours before adding your nutes and feeding helps a lot by giving your roots dissolved oxygen. This is done via an airstone run by an air pump. otherwise for your first try your doing quite well.


no there is no cause for concern. The shape of the leaves is determined by it genetics. So there is nothing you can do about it. If you want a plant to develop beautiful leaves you have to keep stress to a minimum - from start to end - don't overfertilize and so on. Stress can cause problems within dna replication that can cause crippling or strange shaping of leaves. So avoid stress sources. Once the dna is damaged it is replicated this way.

A non genetical leave shape behaviour is for example curling leaf tip or edges. This signs may indicate overfertilizing, overwatering or heat stress and orther symptoms.


Cheers for all your comments. It has been brought to my attention that perhaps due to the mixup in light cycle, perhaps these have gone back to vegging. Or perhaps some strange inbetween. Advised to chop canopy flat and prepare for a long time before they finish. Was wondering if you guys see this here at all? Will get some close up leave shots up for sure.