New White Hairs After Flush


IMG_0002.JPGIMG_0004.JPGIMG_0005.JPGIMG_0001.JPGIMG_0014.JPGIMG_0012.JPGI've 2 UKCheese definitely ready to harvest, all the hairs are amber and receded, trichomes are beginning to amber, maybe up to 50%. I watered the whole garden and suddenly I've got new white hairs where there were none before??? Should I delay the harvest on these plants or go ahead? The pics are before watering.


Active Member
The white hairs usually come out when you flush, not watering 2 days before harvest, and right after harvest. It's basically the plants last effort to survive and get pollinated. As far as I can tell they are good to go now. In my past experience if you decide to let those new white hairs mature, the majority of the plant ends up getting to the point of degradation and is not as pleasurable to say the least.