New York City Deisel, and BAGSEED ??????

let me know how im doing

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What Was That
hi everybody, im back and ready to start some new babies. i have 10 nycd seeds and 10 (idk) seeds. well i took a mix of seeds, 7 seeds to be exact. i have know idea whats what. so i am reall excited to see what i get, from the other seeds. i have them in a tray with a sponge like dirt thing (once again idk). the tray is domed and is getting constant light. i spray them with water every 6 hours to keep them moist. this is day number 3 from germinating the seed.
no nutrient has been used yet
Water ph 6.5
medium ( i dont know) ill post a pic. you tell me
temp of room 78 steady
light cycle 24hr
watering just a spray.
well here is the start. i will post pics for input on everything.
i have just one question. what nutes do i use, when i transfer to my hydro system. check out my other thread. pics coming very soon



What Was That
Ok Its has been 8 day sinc the seed and there has beeen a good amount of progress. I still have been keeping the seedlings moist and spraying them every few hours.(plain water). Also taking of the dome and gining them fresh air for a little bit each day. How long does anyone think, i should wait to put them in my hydro system. And also, can i use a hortolux bulb to veg and flower. I also have the tray sitting on a light reflective and heat retaing mat? its really just a thin insulator.



What Was That
Ok some progress , root systems are growing strong, i moved three plants to my hydro system and left four in the dome, should i take them out . check out my pics and let me know. Please leave your comment, about what you think i should . i will dedicate one of these plants to the rollitup site, so get talking. let me know what to do with your plant. Check out the one seedling that has the two round leaves and the three tru leaves



What Was That
ok i have another update. I have taken pictures of my grow room and the updated plants. I havent made any extreme changes. Same low nutes for my seedlings . Ive add three more seedling to my hydro system and now i wait for all to show there colors. I still have 1 in the prop tray with three seed that i decided to germinate two days ago. Those are all sprouting, (I think they will be strong plants. Lets hope for girls or if i can pollinate a female, lets hope for great seeds. I have taken a picture of my c02 setup. Now correct me if im wrong but dont plants always use c02, im different levels at different times, but they will all utilize it. Wont they? anyway, I still see no comments, please take a min to give your opinion. I would like to dedicate a plant to all the rollitup users that give comment, help, bullshit, i dont care, i just want to share my love for the botany of Cannabis plants



Well-Known Member
well, I'm still new...but I can tell looking at your set up that you know your shit. very well organized and i'd bet money that it will be a very sucsessfull grow. you may have already mentioned...but what nutes are you thinking of using later down the road? Just curious is all.


What Was That
well, I'm still new...but I can tell looking at your set up that you know your shit. very well organized and i'd bet money that it will be a very sucsessfull grow. you may have already mentioned...but what nutes are you thinking of using later down the road? Just curious is all.
im usuing general hydroponic 3 part system, its nice. easy to use.


Well-Known Member
any chance you can take detailed pics of your setup i want to try a hydro or aero setup you use other similar things that i use (nutes for instance) and i also dont know what strain my flowering buds are. My seedlings are a mix of my strain + mountain bud (seeds a friend gave me) a grow ago a mountain bud plant i was trying to grow went male on me and polinated all my plants leaving me with my new seeds which i have recently planted

I'll be watching your grow!

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