New York Governor Proposes Decriminalization of Marijuana in Public View


Currently in New York State, possessing 25g or less of marijuana (Privately) is a non-crime violation. However, if it is in public view, it's a class B Misdemeanor.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has just made the news, pushing for further decriminalization for small amounts of marijuana in public view. However, consuming marijuana is still a crime.

so essentially, I can look at and admire my marijuana, but I can't smoke it! There's currently a bill in NYS to legalize recreational use and growing, however, The governor has publicly stated he is against this. His exact words: "We need more research."

So, the governor is willing to decriminalize marijuana to a certain extent, but still willing to fill our jails with people(s) who are consuming marijuana. I guess it's a step in the right-direction, but it's still a senseless policy.


Well-Known Member
It is a big deal to me - I have long since heard that in NYC the cops stop and frisk every dark skinned boy that they see and they ask them to empty their pockets - normally if they had any pot it would be a non-crime violation, but as soon as they are made to pull it from their pocket it then becomes marijuana "in plain view" as if they were showing it off to children and they slap on the cuffs..


That is true. They call it "stop and frisk" policy down in NYC. Like I said, It's definitely a step in the right direction.


Active Member
Research ??? I hardly think so ,,,,they have their research,,,,would you fight a so called drug war without research?? Since 69 or 70,,,that is a lie,,,,,,,,,since when does a mayor pass laws,,,,like the deal on sodas????the people are going to let that happen?? The mayor forgets something and the people are letting him do it,,,,,new york belongs to the people,,,not the mayor...


Active Member
On the program they said it was called(i'm not trying to be funny here ,,,i heard them say) walking while black....(ford442)


Active Member
First they need to can that lady state attorney,,,,,she is crooked,,,,she lied for the cops on her interview.