Newb 2nd grow recently topped plants looking funky...suggestions? (pics + rep)


Well-Known Member
Hi all I started my second grow in 5 gallon smartpots using fox farms soil and nutes under cfl. I have 14 cfls @ 23 w using 12 5700k and 2 2700k. I decided to try topping and fimming to increase my yield, but I am a little worried about the results. I have never done these techniques so i have to admit i'm a little nervous about killing my ladies. After I topped the plant on the left the leafs started to droop and I haven't noticed any new growth. I am growing 3 northern lights, and one each of Delahaze, Cheese, and White Widow.

The plant on the far right I just topped today...Did I do a good job?

The two pictures on the left are of the same plant that I fimmed 5 days ago. It seems like instead of the new shoots that the leafs are just growing back. Did I just not fim it far enough down? The picture on the right I fimmed today, did I do it right?


Rest of plants
Heres all my plants together. Anything you guys notice? Thanks ahead of time for the help, hopefully you'll help me put my mind at ease, and help me improve on my techniques!



Active Member
Yeah, They should All be fine, they are just shocked from the topping, but they should all get back to growing soon:)


Well-Known Member
well thanks for reaffirming...i guess i know what it feels like to be a parent....remind me to tell my wife to stay on her birth control.............