Newb Blue Mystic Auto Advanced Nitrogen Deficiency?


New Member
I'm growing in soil, in a space bucket. The strain is blue mystic auto fem (nirvana). Soo first problem is I went on vacation for two weeks and had my friend take care of my girls. The cotyledons ran out during that time and I came back to very yellow older leaves. My other plant is about a month further along and it was showing spots and stuff that looked like PH was too high. Heh, so I'm winging it and it's my first grow so bear with me... I live in a country where I can't read the language too well so the soil is a mystery to me but I have soil PH test capsules and it looks like my soil PH is way too high, like maybe around 8 (it's a color match test so not sure) so I PHed down to like 5.5, with VINEGAR cause it's hard to get PH down here. Anyway, she's budding and almost finished, looks like shit but whatever this thread isn't about her, just extra context.

So for the plant I'm asking about, I've been trying to ride the PH low as well, around 6-6.3 tops and I don't *think* I see any PH problems but it's hard to tell cause she looks like hell. When I got back from vacation, I used about a quarter gram of 20-20-20 and a quarter gram of 10-30-20 cause she started flowering already. These ferts (again, some foreign stuff cause of availability) say 1g for 1 liter. BUT I realized I am an idiot and have been using a 2 liter bottle. But I figured that is fine cause I don't want to over-fertilize, plus the leaf tips on the new growth started to turn brown. I said oh that must be nitrogen burn so I just switched over to 10-30-20 just shy of a gram every other watering. Also, I have been defoliating the dead leaves or if they have some green left folding them out of the way of the buds. Okay, yeah, explaining all this I can see why I have problems I have no idea what I'm doing, but maybe someone can help from the pictures... This is embarrassingly bad so please be nice.IMAG0500.jpg IMAG0501.jpg IMAG0503.jpg IMAG0504.jpg


Active Member
Hi there, I'm new as well, and by not means an expert, I'm just chiming in because I"m running the same seed as you. I'm on day 72 and close to harvest.... Here's a link to the same plant

I'll tell you what my experience is and from what I can find on this plant online (not very much). Stop fertilizing it!!! I BARELY put anything in her at all bc she seems to hate it. Very first time I tried veg nutes, she was like NO! (and I only used 1/2 dose of 9-3-6. Switched to regular water and she recovered with only minimal damage, maybe 4 small leaves.

I did the same thing, check PH... heat, light, air... it was all good.

After flowering started at around 25 days, I would fert 1/2 strength with 3-12-6 once a week (instructions are to use every watering but I don't). Now I'm at the flush stage, the plant is big and ALL green... I'm close to harvest and there's not a spot of yellow on her, it's almost weird. But just stop fertilizing and see if things change.

I'm curious to know what she looked like before you went on vacation? Good luck!


New Member
Oh wow your plant looks really great I'm jealous. Before I went on vacation, she was lush green with zero problems. Whatever happened in that time, it was bad. I figured it was lack of nutrients cause my friend said he gave them very little. Next grow they're not leaving my sight, and I don't think I will use this soil again. What kind of soil did you use?


New Member
Cool thanks. So your soil already has a great mix of nutrients in it. See, I think my problem is I'm pretty sure I'm using seed starter soil, which means no nutrients and it retains moisture like a mofo, I'm lucking I mixed in a bunch of perlite. Since I don't have anything good available in this country, I think I'll go straight perlite that way I know it's not messing with my PH and I know the only nutrients that are in there are what I am adding.