Newb Greenthumb


Active Member
Hey guys, love the site! I have been smoking for a good few years but never grew. I tried once but they bent over while growing and broke the stems! :cry: I guess i was too stoned to realize they needed support maybe? I dunno...but here i am ready to try again...only thing is i want a better strain than what i have...but no seeds so i have to buy em...I see you guys have sites here wich is useful, but i don't understand, i was always told NEVER order seeds cuz its legal to send them but illeagal to pick up? So how do i not get busted or is that full of sh*t??? I mean i really don't want to pay for what i want only to get busted you know? can anyone tell me what i should/should not do? or what my odds are of not getting nabbed? Thanx!



Well-Known Member
Sorry to say no one can tell you what to do. In most states pot is illegal and well you can go to jail so with that said just be cauttious i mean everyone on this site doesn't live in green friendly states so you have to make the call if it is worth the risk to you to do it........

A lot of people send the seeds to a friends house with a fake name the only down side is your friend will eventually open there mouth and let you little secret out.

Just be careful RESEARCH THE HELL OUTTA HOW TO GROW BEFORE you grow and what you need to have a good grow and you will be fine.


New Member
It is illeagal to do anything with them. THey are forbidden to have in the U.S. I wouldnt order them to my growhouse.


Active Member
lol, so how does everyone else do this then??...damn if this were only easier! :roll: I'm too dumb to think of a good way...does a P.O box have to be legally in your name? and would cops be waiting there for me to pick up or something? And I thought maybe it was only illegal if you plant them...?