newb needs some expertiece, please?

I started a hydroponic plant with a seed from my (good swag, or popcorn) sack, what ever you want to call it. Ive pumped all kinds of good nutrients in this thing, its 3ft. tall now and very bushy. I was just woundering if my pot will end up like the sack I got the seeds out of, or will it be considerable better?? if you have done this before please reply.
It will probably be better if you have good nutes, proper light and if you harvest and cure it properly. When the plant produces seed, all of the nutes goes to the seed, not to THC production. Did the bag smoke good?


Well-Known Member
I recon it depends on what male gentics polinated the female to produce the seed. Gentics is everything. Its luck of the draw in bag seed. If it had a good male potent with good genetics it might be better if you catch my drift or it could be worse. If you had of taken a clone of the female that produced your bud and seed and gave it better conditions than the "mother" you will have better pot. hope this helps and correct me peeps if I'm wrong!!!!!
Yea, the bag smoked good but it was obviesly grown in soil, cause thats why you get seeds in the buds in swag. the people just spread a bunch off seeds in a field and just let the co-ed fest just roll on! but I do have a female plant, and she's two weeks into flower..... (small buds forming). and is 8 to 12 weeks the average flowering time for a sativa plant in a hydro system?


Well-Known Member
Pollon is transfered on the wind as awell as the obvious. So if there is no filer on your air in take there is still a slight chance that pollon can enter your grow room space. Just to clear that up. I also noticed when i grew both straigns side by side the sativa stared to flower first and that was same conditons. As that was only my second grow it could have been somthing i did as well.
From an uneducated guesstimate I would venture that there are a lot of variables to take into consideration?

To begin, your bag seeds came from a stash that did the job and got you high, hence your hopes to replicate...

The first variable is the original bag:
Yes it was good smoke, but how did the seeds come about in the first place?
If outdoor, was there a male nearby and an errant wind?
If indoors, was there a male somewhere in the room with the virgins?
Was there a Hermi somewhere in the room with the virgins?
Did the seeds come a virgin turned Hermi?

Second thought that comes to mind:

If one were to find seeds in a bag, then I would venture a guess that if healthy, it would contain any possible combination of dominant and recessive genes, plus variable pheno types of the mother/father/hermi combo.

Third, all variables aside, and with hopes high, I offer this guess:

The original female was accidentally tainted by a one in a million shot male encounter. The rest of the tree grew female, your branch had perfectly healthy, 50/50 non-feminized seeds. If the original smoked well enough for you, you should be able to pop these beans, control your environment a sight better (to avoid any run ins with males) and grow beautiful, healthy, and very potent ladies.

Of course if the genetics are "eh", will the resulting beans be "eh" as well?

Fuck it, here's hoping your bag seeds are the next Chem#4!! =)