Newb questions


Hello everyone,

I just started my first growroom and have some questions that maybe you guy/ladies can help.
The Growroom size is 2ft wide x 6ft long x 4ft tall. The room contains computer fans for vents, and 4x100 watt cfls. For a update the growroom is a chest type growroom split in half for the flowering stage. Also, for my first time through i am just using soil. Hydration process is started. Didnt know if the temp. would not let me grow

My quetions are:

1. the growroom is in my basement. It is the winter months and the basement drops down into the 50's. Inside the growroom the temp is about 65 degress.. Will this hurt the plants when it is in the dark period for the 6 hrs?

2.With the size of my growroom should i knock down the center wall between the 2 rooms and just make 1 large grow room, and the flower them all at the same time, or should i leave it the way that I have it?

Thx for your help everyone
and Good Growing :mrgreen:


Active Member
Where would you vegg ?
It takes about 2-3 months for a seed or clone to vegg
unless your going to 12/12 from clone or 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
Temp's.... Buy yourself a temp and humidity gauge... My first basement grow ended in White Powder Mildew... bad sheiot....
My basement is a constant 55 degrees, maybe 52 when it's 17 outside...
55 is better than 50, 60 is better than 55... Maybe a small electric heater for nights when temps are down and lights are off... Lights come on heater goes off...
But also be concerned with humidity....
$20 bucks for unit with remote, so you can read your grow rooms temp and humidity any time... Right now, Veg room is 75 with 55% RH ... Bud room is 77 lights just clicked off, RH today was about 36-40 % with lights goes up a bit as my lights set....
Keep it as two rooms.... Have fun with it... No stress....


Well-Known Member
From what you have going, I don't think 400w of CFL is enough to flower and veg if that's what you mean by split, if it were me, I would get more light and fan, and try and keep temps above 60.............. below 45-50, I have had slowing of growth.
If you plan to flower with that setup, I would really consider more wattage depending what you want, and what you are trying to flower.
I have a little over 300w of CFL for 1 plant, and I want to get more for my next grow if I can in the space constraint, but I am running into heat issues.