newbie air intake / exhaust temp/humidity questions


Active Member
first timer useing 600 hps/ bat wing reflector in 4x4x6 tent

before getting vents set up i was hitting 91f plus inside.

so i found the air exchanger output in my basement and duct it over to the tent for intake and used a 6 inch inline fan to exhaust.

i'm hitting temps now at about 71f for my lowest and i believe it does hit as high as 86.5f and humidity is hitting anywhere from 40-60 percent

question 1 - are my temp/humidity is a normal range? when my carbon filter gets added to the set up will i expect the temps to rise anymore?

question 2 - i have my house air exchanger set to bring air from outside and blow it into tent. its 8 inch duct until i tie in with 6 inch just before the tent. is there a possibility that my humidity may be increased and i could experience mold?

question 3 - the exhaust is creating alot of negative pressure on the tent. will this cause any trouble with my air exchanger?