Newbie at Large

Hello, a little help is reqiured. Yeah, laugh it up. Another newbie grower. okay has any one seen the white rings on seedling. its only on three of my 15 plants. i will admit lighting sucks, so does ventilation. they are on the leaves. stalks are flimsy too. they are about 2 weaks olds. not sure of strain. They are going into bigger pots soon. Thanks.

Ps. first grow.


Well-Known Member
are u feeding them nutes ?

if so how much and how regular?

also you need to put a fan blowing onto them so the stalks fatter up to fight to wind ( basicly putting a ocsilating fan on a plant makes them bodybuild)

what lighting you using ?

hit me bk........................


Well-Known Member
are u feeding them nutes ?

if so how much and how regular?

also you need to put a fan blowing onto them so the stalks fatter up to fight to wind ( basicly putting a ocsilating fan on a plant makes them bodybuild)

what lighting you using ?

hit me bk........................
If you have any pics of them, that would be very helpful.:peace:
I did take some pictures, but the leaves are so small. Could not see the rings, and they did not make it. Sad day here for me. Yes i have a fan, not directly on them. They fall over, had to prop up. They did so ggo at first, seems like they have stop growing. I treid some miracle grow, last weak. I test my water, fo ph. I use compact fluresence for know. I am only small sale, started out with 15 plants. Done to 8 tiny little measy plants. from what i read, they should stalky. i kepp the lights about one foot away from them. I was watering twice a day. Ounce when they go under the lights, they other when i put them to bed. when should they be feed? Thanks. any info is appreicated. Shity picture, sorry.



Well-Known Member
Watering twice a day is crazy. Ease up on the water, let the soil almost completely dry out, before watering again. Unless you have ridicilous heat issues, there should be no need to water more than once or twice a week. Get away from the Miracle Grow. I've never used it, some people have good luck with it but the general consensus is that MG is no good for MJ. Put your lights closer and no need for the fan until they are about 6 or 8 inches tall. Let them build up some natural strength before you try to firm up the stems with the fans.


Well-Known Member
Watering twice a day is crazy. Ease up on the water, let the soil almost completely dry out, before watering again. Unless you have ridicilous heat issues, there should be no need to water more than once or twice a week. Get away from the Miracle Grow. I've never used it, some people have good luck with it but the general consensus is that MG is no good for MJ. Put your lights closer and no need for the fan until they are about 6 or 8 inches tall. Let them build up some natural strength before you try to firm up the stems with the fans.
I agree - and would add, do not give them nutes until they are at least three weeks of age.:peace:
My girls are gonna be fine. I have given knem new life. Last night, i treated them. New pots, soil and lighting. I lost another plant over night, but i have new foilage on the others.
Well. My girls are haging on, not much foilage. But they look good. How does everyone feel about lights on 24/7. i have read some like, some dont. The problem i am finding, is there are too many stories about growing. Or should i say ways........
Hello every one, hows the growing. Mine seem to doing fine, could be better though. I could be be twisting right now. My little facilites is starting to e-vovle. Question about lighting? 24/7 on, or not. Does it matter what time you turn them on or off? probally a dumb question. Thanks.