Newbie Grow lights questions


Hey guys, please advise me on my grow light choice. This is my first grow and I am trying to determine which light use and why. Most everything I see pushes the HPS lights but I also see other documentation that the fluorescent light does a good job without the heat and excessive power consumption. What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
HPS lights are more efficient than flouros. In other words, they put out more light per watt of power usage. More light = more bud.

Also, on the heat issue, you have been misinformed. Whilst flouros are cooler to the touch, they actually put out more heat into the growroom than the equivalent wattage of HPS. The difference is that flouros put out mainly convected heat, whilst HPS put out radiated heat. This means that there is a hot "bubble" around the HPS, which means that you can't put the plants too close, but they more than make up for this in light intensity, which in return makes bigger buds.

Flouros are only a better choice if you have limited headroom, and can't raise your lighting enough to account for the bubble of heat around the HPS.


Well-Known Member
Yep. If you have a grow room, go HPS. If you've got a grow cabinet, you'll probably want flouros. HPS put out way more lumens and do it more efficiently. In a small space, though, flouros can be very effective... probably much more than people give them credit for. When it comes to flouros you've got two choices in bulbs, either CFLs or T5s. Anything else is practically useless. To give you an idea of some of the potential of a T5 setup, check this out. Advantages include a much longer lifetime and the ability to swap bulbs for veg growth or flowering spectrums (HPS is best for flowering, while a MH light is better for veg. Flouros can do either). Of course, if you've got the money and space, HPS is the favorite of veteran growers.


Active Member
It's all about your growroom and your grow situation. Both lights have their ups and downs, I am using fluro's for heat and power purposes like you said.

HPS lights are more efficient than flouros. In other words, they put out more light per watt of power usage. More light = more bud.

Also, on the heat issue, you have been misinformed. Whilst flouros are cooler to the touch, they actually put out more heat into the growroom than the equivalent wattage of HPS. The difference is that flouros put out mainly convected heat, whilst HPS put out radiated heat. This means that there is a hot "bubble" around the HPS, which means that you can't put the plants too close, but they more than make up for this in light intensity, which in return makes bigger buds.

Flouros are only a better choice if you have limited headroom, and can't raise your lighting enough to account for the bubble of heat around the HPS.
Nocturn is right, but make sure you understand what he's saying. He is making the cost and heat comparison based on wattage. This is where the size and set-up of your growroom comes in. My current set-up is 8 40-watt 4ft. fluro tubes that are on for 18 hours straight. The lights only get a little warm (still easily able to hold). I'm growing in a spare bedroom with normal central-air venting. The lights only cause a few degree increase in the room over the course of the day


Well-Known Member
this is a good thread

A t-12 set up is cheap and works.

I have this set up I use from time to time.

They can grow into it for a few hours to a day they stay cool.

My set up is (4) 24" T-12's 20 watts each at 6500k it's a light blanket.

I also have some 2600ish k's (don't use but may add to my hps room for some side lights).
These thing may be old school but you can not f--- it up.

this is a 430watt hps

some grower get greet grows from cfl's only.


Well-Known Member
I've grown with both. If your space, ventilation, and budget will alow it.... I recommend getting an HPS unit. Good luck.