newbie grow-week 3ish


Active Member
finally plugged the cfl's into the same timer as the big lights; the timer held up and no large sparks, so i'm good. Also, since I only have 1 14" air stone, I also connected the secondary water pump (one used for rez changes) into the flood pump's timer. Now, when the flood pump fills the tray, the 2nd pump will also turn on. It doesn't have a hose connected to the output, and it's just sitting in the rez facing up. When it turns on, it shoots water at the lid of the rez, and splashes like mad coming back in the water. Since waterfalls are used for oxygenating water as well, I figured this might help improve O2 in the water some.


Active Member
most plants doing well; the one on the left is shedding fan leaves, and has been for a while. It only does individual leaves, spread around the plant so I think this might be the natural state of affairs for its type (power skunk if I remember right).

They took a close up of some particularly long hairs which I just thought was super cool =)

Nutes are up to 1100 ppm, mostly tiger bloom and big bloom are added when the rez water gets changed; it tends to accumulate and settle at the bottom so they add it twice before the rez change.

I know these ladies still have a bit of time before ripe, but any guesses? They first started flower about 5-7 days into october. Need to find the mini-microscope, but also have a small magnifying glass (15x).



Active Member
cut! Drying since sunday, put in jars today.

Had some mold; assume it was in the power skunk since it was only in one plant. was in the top of the cola and so only trimmed up to the mold, then snipped the very top to keep. just tossed the rest, maybe little more than an 8th dry.

I'm done for a few months. Going to learn some more and clean up the setup for next time.

10 weeks flowering



Well-Known Member
i know its a little late, but the plant that was sick had a very late stage (K) potassium deficiency. i think its good for the plant have an even diet like 10-10-10 ect. good job though, you learn more every time you grow