Newbie Help please :)


New Member
Hey Guys,

I am about to start my first grow. I ordered feminized white widow from attitude, i think I ordered the Pyramid Seeds ww, and the free g12 labs thai super skunk. Im only going to focus on 1 WW plant and grow it to be nice and big.

Here is my plan so far:

Grow Space:

My closet. Don't know the exact measurements, but its big enough. I have the walls covered with alluminum foil, dull side out.


I plan on using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for all of my grow. I plan on starting out in a 2 liter pot, then transplant to a 5 gallon to minimize transplants and stress.


I plan on using a 150 Watt HPS System throughout, as well as big cfls(equivilant to a 100 watt regular bulb) around the base of the plant once it grows to ensure good lighting.


I plan on using Fox Farm. I do plan on trying their feeding scedule with the solubles.

None until week 4.
Open Seaseme every other watering for weeks 4 and 5.

Beastie Blooms for week 6
And Cha Ching for week 7 and 8

And straight water for the last week, week and a half.

I saw that Greenhouse Seeds, the original WW, recomends around nine, nine and a half weeks. Would you all agree from your experience?

Also, what would you guys do different that what I mentioned above? Please give any and all advice...




Well-Known Member
ditch the alluminum, get mylar or panda film for the walls. you also need to have some air circulation in there.. ide mix some perlite with the ff soil to get better drainage and oxygen for the roots. also no need for the 5g container, i think 2 or 3 gallon will be fine, you cant grow too big becuase you only have a 150w hps.. try to keep the temp at 70-80 F during the day 15 degrees lower at night, humidity at 40-60%. . when you start giving nutrients, start off at about 1/4 strength, those fox farm powder nutes will give you problems in a hurry if you over feed.. sorry all my info is all scattered.


New Member
dont forget about odour control!
lol. Yeah. Im going to look into ways to do that in the future, but this grow is going to be a house that is in the middle of nowhere out in rural oklahoma. Im 6 miles out of town. so, when I do move to the city, i'll have to have odor controll.:hug: