Newbie here - heating question


Active Member
Hello, great site with helpful information! Quick question for anyone that may know. Is there a site dedicated to information about which states enforce the heat sensing technology (helicopters, cars etc.) to look at heat from your house. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!


New Member
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled a couple of years ago that infra-red spying is akin to a warrantless search. That would apply to all the states.



Active Member
So I would assume the only way you could get 'caught' is by a few things

blabbing to your friends you have a plant you're growing

increasing power bills that would suggest something 'fishy' is going on

the smell overwhelming your neighbors etc.

I could of sworn I saw some kind of special on Discovery or A&E about a year ago showing that heat sensing equipment in use on a helicopter just flying over people houses watching.

Ahhh, also adding a question here. How much heat would a single 400 put off, or maybe the equivalent to (fishtank, pool table light etc. I know these aren't same just examples) Thanks again for questions asked guy, I appreciate it

Straight up G

New Member
Your question has gone unanswered for 2 years bro, your last activity was 11/27/2007 forgotten in the depths of RIU.

"How much heat would a single 400 put off, or maybe the equivalent to (fishtank, pool table light etc. I know these aren't same just examples) Thanks again for questions asked guy, I appreciate it"

I think you probly know the answer to this question by now.