NEWBIE...hydro build


Active Member
hey guys,

i just started building a "Mr. green" type room in my basement and I'm looking to get more then 4 plants in that bad boy lol I'm getting a 1000 Hps tomorrow hoping to get 10 girls out of it. i heard rock wool is really great for a grow median until it reach flowering stage, from there is where I'm stuck. Mr. green just puts them in rock base median. is there a easier way of getting water to 10 plants and not have it flood the area. or is having two eb and flow systems feeding 4 plants each? please help :cry:


Active Member
well imma bumby this :leaf: but with a little better question.

i want to get a cycle going where i have 10 plants flowering while 10 are vegging. and then every 2 months get a harvest. money is my biggest problem right now. but another problem i have, after long days and nights on i'm becoming to think three 4 foot florescent isn't gonna be enough to veg 10 trees. i know HIDS are the best but im on a pretty tight budget. i have the 1000WATT hps coming once i can figure this stuff out. before i ask my questions ill give you an idea of what im thinking. remind you that the rooms are half done already...
Growing the plants in rockwool with a drip system, in a veg room. then my flower room would have an eb n flow system with four plants in each tray. with a 1000wat hps for flower cycle.
now questions :)

1) flowering room is roughly around 36 square feet, is the 1000WWATT hps light be able to produce enough lumens for that space?

2)does vegging under floros take longer?

3)would CLFs work better? (for 10 plants that is)

also: i have three very strong (purple dragon) is growing in pots outside. i planted them a little over a month ago. they are very very strong, all organic: in soil, sunlight, no nutrients, just water. they are very healthy. its my first grow too! :weed: but once i get the hps, i was thinking i should throw them under there in about a month or so, would that be too much of a shock for the little ones? please help :sad:

thanks much! smoke one1