*newbie* I want to grow cheese!!


Active Member
I am pretty new growing and would like to know what i need to get started. Im in love with cheese and want to give that a shot! I have a great remote location and lots of space to do it so if anyone could answer the few questions i have that would be most appreciated!

What are the basic grow stages?

What are the first steps i should take to getting started with cuttings or seeds?

What type of soil would i need?

what are the best cheese seeds to get and who are the best suppliers?

Im not sure i understand the male/female thing can someone explain?

What kind of neutrients will i need?

What does 'topping' mean?

What is the best method of odour control (not really a must but would be nice)?

I have read that giving the plants co2 helps, how do i do this?

What type of lights should i be using and what are the cycles?

How much can i expect to get out of lets say 10 seeds?

I have 2 rooms, one about 2 square metres and the other about 2 by 5 metres, how much could i realistically squeeze into this space without affecting the grow process?

Should i put foil on the walls or paint them white?

What are the negatives i should look out for?

i know this is alot of questions butI would like to get started asap and just need to know what i need to buy.. i have no knowledge right now all i have is money!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
def. go bagseed first, if you ordered 10 seeds you mihgt get two decent females by the end of it all this being your first go round and all


Well-Known Member
you might even get lucky with bagseed i did i got some kind of pink indica and my growroom smells like motherfucking raspberrys it badass click my sig!