newbie needing help bring outdoor plants inside to use cfl respond please


what's up everyone, i put some seeds from some really good light green schwag in a pot and let them grow for about 3 weeks they were getting rained on alot and it was cloudy alot!! i want to bring them inside and start using cfl lights since i'm on a budget so i moved the 4 plants and put them in organic miracle grow soil in new pots about 6 days ago!!! My question is how strong and how many cfl lights should i get for a box 3 feet tall and 32 inches wide? i going to just put 2 of the 4 plants in the box to keep the cost of lights down. if someone could go to home depot's website and pick out a couple bulbs for me that they think i should use that would be badass. haven't put in any fans if anyone has suggestions on how many fans that would be cool. I know i'm a new guys and are asking stupid questions but if someone could help me get this thing going that would be awesome thanks everyone who responds..May20_004.jpgView attachment 946116May20_005.jpg


Well-Known Member
your much better off leaving them outside, you would still probally be better off putting them outside even if you did have an hps system setup, just find you a good spot that gets lots of sunlight invest in some real good soil and dig a great big hole and toss some fishguts and that sort of stuff in their then refill with your good soil. even if only 1 does good and works out like it should youll still get many many times more bud than doing it inside like your thinking.


Active Member
Jeorge Cervantes said it best, and i quote

"CFLs produce very bright light with relatively low wattage. The best values are 55-65 watt bulbs. These bulbs are bright and inexpensive. Smaller wattages are less bright and very low wattage. Larger wattages are bright but more expensive."

I have grown with CFLs exclusively from seed to harvest. My experience with CFLs have lead me to "light, whispy, popcorn size buds" I was disapointed and ended up saving up and buying a 600w HPS grow light with digital ballast. It made all the difference in the world. My buds now are tight and dense. Just by putting that light in increased my overall yield by at least 30% over the CFLs only.

If you still insist on using only CFLs make sure that the lights are very close to the plant (1in - 2in) and the more you can put around the plant the better off you will be. Just dont expect amazing yields from CFLs exclusively.

This is my opinion and my personal experience with CFL lighting. I hope this helped.




Active Member
agree with both the above first with your set up u will be way better off outside and second i have 2 1000w hps and a friend grows with like 30 cfl s there is no comparison my yields r triple his and even with my lights, outside would be a better yield