Newbie Needs Advice!


New Member
Happy to be a part of the community

First post ever:

Ok so i got this mystery seed from a friend. It germinated nicely and broke soil just 1 day after planting. Im growing in a very small 1X4 coset. Closet stays a cozey 80 F and about 45% humidity. using a single 100 W cfl (6500 k) about 3" from plant. Started seed in MG garden soil and sand mix. Water once daily with water soluble nutes of unknown potency (going off friends recommendation). This is her after 3 days.

after about 5 days i noticed the edges of the leaves were purpling.
The stem has always been purple, however i found this odd. I did muc
h research and found no conclusive anwers so proceeded to transplanting to what I thought would be "her" permanent home in a small 1 gallon container (as i don't want a very large plant.) growing medium of MG garden soil and sand with gravel at bottom. purpling did not progress but did not receed either. I learned today that the MC has virtually no nutrients .15,.05,.10 (note decimal points) I purchased peat moss and vermiculite and some MG liquid plant food 8,7,6. I made a 50/50 mix with the moss and vermiculite and transplanted the poor girl one more time. made a batch of the less potent recommended ratio of liquid plant food and watered thuroughly. Here is my set up and my plant as of now.

Oh and the cotyledons started yellowing yesterday sometime. What does the purple mean and what should i be doing differently? Any input or advice will be greatly appreciated and immensely helpful.



Active Member
Well your soil mix is really stressing your plant out. And if your in a tight budget and are just testing the water with growing there's no reason to go and buy a shit ton of grow equipment unless your serious and love it. I would say your just stressing her out with your potting mix with mg and sand. I would just use mg soil that's it. Now when you transplant that makes the plant go in even more stress. But for a first time grower just live and learn my friend. And welcome to riu :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Try to stay away from anything MG, better bet, and try upgrading your lights maybe get something out of the plant. Otherwise it wont do much and will die from that sand cactus MG soil.


New Member
shes now sitting in peat moss and virmiculite so no more MG. Unfortunately upgrading lights is not much of an option for me but i do plan on adding more of them. each bulb is 1600 lumens so i hope 3 total will do the job. now i just hope my nutes will be sufficient. Much thanks to the both of you Kushdc and FuckJeffGoldbloom.