Newbie Needs Help...


New Member
Hey Guys, so this is my first ever grow. It has taken my seedling 5 days to get like this. Is this looking good or am I lacking somewhere?

This was a Northern Lights Auto seed.

Any advice welcome, thanks! :)20200609_132206.jpg
"Patience, young padiwan". If you just dropped the seed in without germinating first, then it'd say you are fine right now. 5 days to pop, sprout and erupt from your medium is right on track if not a little fast.
Patience bro. Key now is not to over water. I water around the plant to encourage root growth never down stem. What kinda soil?
The first few weeks are brutally slow from seed, but once you get past that things start to get more interesting. Good luck!!
MadBudz I've used B&Q Verve Multipurpose compost mixed with perlite as it was recommended by a friend.

Thanks Johiem, that really has reassured me. I did germinate in soil so i should be ok.

I water whenever the soil is 95% dry and i water around the seedling never on it.