Newbie Needs Help!


Active Member
Hey there. we are serious nubes (our first run) and we are having some problems with our newly planted clones. We have them in rockwool bricks with an ebb and flow system. We started using 300 ppm of supernatural nutrients and flooding once per day, but raised that to 600 ppm after fears of nute deficiency and a realtively high ph (7.0) in our water. We have also been using Reverse Osmosis water. Our plants began to look nute burned so we posted pics and flushed out our system - bricks/plants using supernatural leach. We have not flooded our system since the leach about 3 days (because of the severe water logging of the bricks due to the flush) and have been misting with foliar boost/sm-90 neem oil every 3-5 days or so. We are basically wondering where to go now, we need advice on everything from ph to ppm to watering cycle. Our plants are young and havent done anything in the last week (other than gained a few brown leaves). We are not sure if we have overwatered or underwatered, over nuted or undernuted, please look at our pics, any advise is welcome. thanks so much. !!!!!!OUR PICTURES ARE IN THE GALLERY LINK!!!!!!


Active Member
You deffinately over watered them and your ph level in the water isnt high its average but if the plants are still in rockwool place them in soil if you think the roots are strong enough at this point and then after a few days try adding some fertilizer then your plants should be healthy but also wait 3-5 days before watering them, then when you do water them make sure the water you put in them gets down to the roots cause the roots will grow towards the moist soil much like the plant grows towards heat then after that only water when the surface of the soil is dry but dont water to much cause its still moist just under the surface. Its easier to drown a plant than it is to let die because of no water.


Active Member
well our clones are in big 6x6 cubes, so we cant replant, what do you think we should do if we are just going to keep them in the 6x6 for their whole life.
