newbie needs help


Well-Known Member
just my theory based on what i can see.

1. leaves look pretty dark green
2. tips burning
3. tips curning downward

my best guess - Nitrogen toxicity AKA too much nitrogen. from my experience and what i have heard they do NOT always have tip burn. mine just was straight up green then the newer growth was bright yellow. my plants are also super dark green as well around this color or even darker.

how to fix? im not 100% on fixing as im new but what i basically did was i eased up on nitrogen and basically when it was time for watering i flushed em. i didn't do an initial flush like many i have heard recommend because i have issues with over watering my plants and to avoid said issue i didn't flush initially.

i'd wait for others to respond who are more experienced then i am to give their feedback and knowledge because like i said im new. flushing basically will flush out the salt build up and lower nitrogen and take some time to recover mine took about 2-3 weeks to recover. 1 plant didn't. still has bright yellow tops and looks sickly.


Active Member
Was about to say the same thing as LithidoX. You can see the tips starting to burn. What are you growing in? Whatever it is, stop giving nutes for a while. A flush may be necessary, Also, check out this site out. It's helped me learn a lot!


Active Member
Thanks guys i thought it might be N tox but wasn't to sure because before i have it nutes it started to droop and curl maybe from deficiencies then i gave it N nutes water souble and it started exploding with growth then it started happening again do you think i should rotate RO water and nutrient water when i feed to cut back of N ? Appreciate every comment thanks !


Active Member
By rotate i mean one time i feed with just water then one time with nutes also I'm using N nuts at 75% of rec on the bottle every feed.


Well-Known Member
I low dose fert every water. Not recommending that but it’s what I do. I literally add almost nothing to my water, maybe 5% of the recommended dose. With being at 75% I would only fert maybe once then water twice and repeat.


Well-Known Member
for feeding what i do is Feed, Water, Feed, Water. when it's feeding time i feed 1/4th strength only. 1/2 at most after a while. this current grow of mine i intentionally overdosed feeding for experimental reasons did full dose of bottle recommendation and got nitrogen toxicity and led to nutrient lockout. my plants need watering about every 5-6 days. the longer they are in a particular pot and the more they grow the more i have to water. such as i had vegged them in 2gal pots. started at 5-6day schedule turned into 4 days eventually and if i continued would now be at 3 days. i potted up to 5gals though and they won't grow into these pots sadly to fully utilize the space.

i also don't feed until around 20-30days of plant being in 2gals because the soil i use contains nutrients already so i try to leech the soil nutrients as much as i can within the 20-30days then start to feed.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys! It's winter here and pot was just legalized so this is my first indoor soiless peatmoss grow and it's much different than outdoors. Black soil, few bags of cow, sheep, and bat shit moms special ratio some sun, water, love and a huge plant.


Active Member
One more question i have another plant same age same fem seed, stunted cause it almost died-(at one point had another seedling 1/3 the size came out of the root system as a last effort to stay alive have pics too)-because i was testing two different mediums and one was way to acidic I'm assuming. Now I decided to top this plant and kill extra seedling and lst the other for height and yeild reasons. I've been feeding it the same amount of nutes but less overall water as it's in smaller pot since it was stunted, but it doesn't look unhealthy like the other. Should i ease the nutes on this one too ?20190108_231142.jpg 20190108_231158.jpg 20190108_231224.jpg FB_IMG_6888739223057731718.jpg


Well-Known Member
shows the same signs to me. burnt tips, dark leaves, looks like it wants to curl but not fully so although the leaves are not really curling you already see signs of too much nitrogen ( tip burn and darker leaves ).

the way i look at plants is like people. they might be the same strain ( race ) but nothing about them is 100% exactly the same. could even be twins for that matter. one might like video games other might like sports. my grow is just like that as well. grew out 3 blue widows 2 grew like indica's 1 grew like a sativa and the sativa one was the most hardy of the 3. all subjected under the same conditions. 2 of the 3 seemed to recover from over feeding where as 1 didn't and that was the bigger indica the smaller indica plant looks the healthiest of the 3 but seems to be growing at a slower rate. Hard to justify this anymore because i tossed the smaller one outside and grow the 2 indoors


Active Member
If your using good soil most times u don't need to nute at all for the whole veg cycle none to very little nutes