Newbie needs question about a hermie plant answered.


Active Member
:shock: Okay, so I am in my tent watering, when I bump a plant,and notice some dustlike substance flying about.
I start to trip thinking that I may have a male plant in my tent with my girls. But though the plant looks taller and such, there is nothing bu t flowers and pistils.
I call the guy who gave me the cuts. While I am on the phone with him, I see what looks like a mutant flower. I cut it off. As I am squeezing it, a couple of immature seeds bust out.
I know what the answer is....but....
Is my crop ruined. I am still 5 or so weeks away from harvest on an 8 week plant. Plenty of resinous flower sites for the pollen to reach. Can I spray anything on the plants or something?


Well-Known Member
I think you are asking if you can stop a male from going male.... igf so the answer is no, and if there female around and you dont want hermie,seeded low quality bud, you have to kill the male.... otherwise you get seeds.... other than that if it isnt bugs it could be just dust..... but 2 balls popping out of a pod sounds male....

Good luck!!


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply.
I just saw one little pod on the whole plant. I cut it off. The rest LOOKS all female. Is it okay, or will other scrotums be on the way. It has nice looking buds on it. I hate to ruin it, but I may do just that.
Thanks again for the insight 123 puff.