newbie needs some advice on black spots


Active Member
Hello rollitup community. Im new to this site and new to cultivating this lovely plant. Unfortunately I need your help because my limited skills cant discern the problem. I have 2 medicinal strains Ice and Chrystal that i cloned. One of my Chrystal clones that i used rockwool ( i love this stuff) really took off, its like i topped it, having 2 main stalks really was getting bushy then out of my 5 clones that Chrystal has black patches on the leaf like tar in color or something now the leaves are curling up. I used 50% perlite % 50 % garden safe all natural organic potting soil .06-.09-.06 has lime already in it I added a touch more because I have found out peat can be as low as 4.5 ph. My girlfriend added some nutes not knowing, GH flora grow and floralicious plus i thought that would mess them up or burn them but no burn happened she didnt put alot in. When I watered the clone the run off was 6.4. I have no clue as to what the problem might be I havent seen pictures of what i have. It almost look fungus like. Its so weird because the other clones that got the exact same treament are fine. Any help would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
All but one pot looks like you may be a little light in nitrogen, but the rust on the leaves in the 1 gal. pot look like a potassium def.
Any idea what the PH of the water you're putting in is? Try keeping that around 6.5, and after a couple waterings, then see what your runoff is.
I wouldn't add any more nutes just yet, how long since the transplant?
What kind of lime did you use?


Active Member
thanks for the reply the ph of the water in was 6.8 i used mayville lawn and garden lime cal 22% mag 12%. its been about a 1 1/2 weeks since i transplanted. and yeah no more nutes that was a mistake, maybe that threw the soil chemistry off?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
It looks a little like seagull poop. Kind of like Jonathon Livingston Seagull poop ima thinking. Do you live near seagulls? Do you know any seagulls that have any bad feelings towards you? If you live inland it could be a mud hen.


Active Member
chucky the rust color im not worried about that was probably from aphid damage they were munching on my plants until ladybugs came and ate them all the growth above is new growth and doing good the black tar necrotic spots is what im worried about the plant top right as they all have gotten the same thing its curious to me that this one is doing this.


Active Member
Hello rollitup community. Im new to this site and new to cultivating this lovely plant. Unfortunately I need your help because my limited skills cant discern the problem. I have 2 medicinal strains Ice and Chrystal that i cloned. One of my Chrystal clones that i used rockwool ( i love this stuff) really took off, its like i topped it, having 2 main stalks really was getting bushy then out of my 5 clones that Chrystal has black patches on the leaf like tar in color or something now the leaves are curling up. I used 50% perlite % 50 % garden safe all natural organic potting soil .06-.09-.06 has lime already in it I added a touch more because I have found out peat can be as low as 4.5 ph. My girlfriend added some nutes not knowing, GH flora grow and floralicious plus i thought that would mess them up or burn them but no burn happened she didnt put alot in. When I watered the clone the run off was 6.4. I have no clue as to what the problem might be I havent seen pictures of what i have. It almost look fungus like. Its so weird because the other clones that got the exact same treament are fine. Any help would be much appreciated.
Um, it could be a nutrient deficiency, but it could also be mold. It's hard to tell.

I would flush things and start again. Or scrap this one and remember that no one else but you should be touching your grow. LOL


Well-Known Member
Hello rollitup community. Im new to this site and new to cultivating this lovely plant. Unfortunately I need your help because my limited skills cant discern the problem. I have 2 medicinal strains Ice and Chrystal that i cloned. One of my Chrystal clones that i used rockwool ( i love this stuff) really took off, its like i topped it, having 2 main stalks really was getting bushy then out of my 5 clones that Chrystal has black patches on the leaf like tar in color or something now the leaves are curling up. I used 50% perlite % 50 % garden safe all natural organic potting soil .06-.09-.06 has lime already in it I added a touch more because I have found out peat can be as low as 4.5 ph. My girlfriend added some nutes not knowing, GH flora grow and floralicious plus i thought that would mess them up or burn them but no burn happened she didnt put alot in. When I watered the clone the run off was 6.4. I have no clue as to what the problem might be I havent seen pictures of what i have. It almost look fungus like. Its so weird because the other clones that got the exact same treament are fine. Any help would be much appreciated.
Does the black coloring feel like part of the leaf (just discolored) or does it actually feel like something on top of the surface?


Active Member
thanks community for the replies i watered again real good and the black spots havent gotten any worse and it seems to be flourishing now.Maybe the nutes that were put in messed something up and this particular plant didnt like it. Decrim cali good advise i will be solo from now on. Chucky it felt like part of the leaf bad necrosis maybe the extra nutes that were put in made too much of one nute and locked out another im finding soil chemistry the hardest thing to learn. Hopefully it will continue to flourish and in 3 months have some good smoke. Thanks again for all the replies.