Newbie & new room 10x7x7 seasoned experience needed


Quick rundown
Basement grow
My flower room is 10x7x7
Running 3 600w hps digilux with lumatc ballasts 3 of them heat issue there also.

I'm running 1 valuine 6" inline sucking in cool basement air ambient temp 74 deg through the radiant hoods pushing out 98 deg heat from the 3 lights only. One big problem I have is that I have to decrease the outlet from 6" to 4" due to the fact that I am exhausting into my garage.

Fresh air intake:
Im using another 6" inline value line just for fresh air through the ceiling into the flower room bringing in cool 74 deg air
im also using a 4" inline valu line to bring more fresh air into the room also bringing in cool 74 deg air.

I have overdone this but it keeps the wife happy.
can scrubber 12" total height is about 5' tall approx. 2' around runs around 2100cfm. I'm running a 12" inline valu line to move approximate 1200cfm through it working so far. Minimal stink now have 10 plants in flower now at about 6' tall plants each.

Also I have another phresh scrubber on the ceiling with another 6" inline valu line fan pushing heat from the ceiling out of the room into the garage through the same 4" hole into garage that the air cooled lights go though. I am believing this is some of my issues.

There are 2 wall fans @16" oscolating and one box fan.

Running co2 without the sensor turns on every 30 min for 15 min. Intervals

My temps suck 82 / 84 not going to put an a.c. Unit. There has to be a way to decrease the temps a little more to at least 79 deg.

Im willing to listen to all and any thing besides the ac will be considered. Wife will not let me put more holes in the garage from the basement either.

If I have to I will figure out how to post pics of my current lay out.

Goal is 77 deg without an ac unit

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
pics would make this easier.

If you're doing to run CO2, you should probably invest in a controller.

The Count

Well-Known Member
I haven't used CO2 yet but have been doing research the past few days to get ready and from what I read you want your temps in the mid 80's when the CO2 is on. Also pretty sure as long as you keep em below 90 you should be ok... I had a few days of low 90 spikes in my last grow and I didnt see any impacts so I think you're fine if shes under 85


Well-Known Member
your temps ae fine! 84-86 w/ CO2? i dont run it and still do fine with those temps..


Active Member
Can you take the 6 inch and split it into 2 seperate 4 inch exhaust?? Going from 6 inch to 1 4 inch is a problem! You could add a portable AC that has 4-6 inch exhaust? Valu line sounds cheap, one thing I have learned the hard way is that you get what you pay for! I highly recommend Vortex! And with that much exhaust running co2 would most likely be a waiste! Good luck my brother from another:)

The Count

Well-Known Member
Can you take the 6 inch and split it into 2 seperate 4 inch exhaust?? Going from 6 inch to 1 4 inch is a problem! I highly recommend Vortex! And with that much exhaust running co2 would most likely be a waiste!
Agree with vortex being a good choice... also with the 6'' to 4''... is it right at the exhaust or is it going to travel in the 4'' for a little bit? I had my set up going 6'' to 4'' duct and the 4'' duct was about 8 ft long. I bought a 6'' to 4'' little converter as the hole in my joist going outside was 4'' and it helped significantly. I couldnt drill out a 6'' hole so that was my only option. Also agree running CO2 with exhaust isnt going to do a whole lot... unless you're pulling your air to cool your hoods from an outside source... if youre pulling from inside the room your just wasting CO2


Well-Known Member
Dude please stop. Just stop. There is only one option you have to go through with this, so listen up. Take one duct from your intake from your basement, run in through your lights, and out the opening that you currently use for fresh intake. Put one carbon filter to clean it before you send it back into ceiling. Keep another carbon filter inside your room to filter the air in your room. This way, your room is fully sealed, and the air outside never touches your plants. CEA (controlled environment agriculture). If you aren't familiar with is technique, look it up and watch your harvest explode.


Well-Known Member
Agh, but my apologies, I didn't see that you do not want an AC. Now, if you have 250-400$ laying around, buy a free standing AC. They come with 4 inch ducting to exhaust the heat, and attach that to your garage. No drilling holes.


Active Member
I reread your post, sooo, you are running 2 six inch fans thru 1 four inch exhaust?? How about turning your fan around so it exhaust thru the 6 inch hole, split the input to the last light so itIs connected to the scrubber and the four inch hole in the wall? If that makes sense!


left 1 pic is going to garage
pic 2 is overall ceiling
pic 3 is the last light farthest from 6" inline going to garage
pic 4 is ceiling intake and also intake for the llights
pic 5 is exhause to veg room and garage
pic 6 is the ballast and fres air intake from the ceiling
pic 7 veg room
pic 8 veg room exhaust and he 4 in inline fresh air to flower room
pic 9 is the 4 in strait from the bassement fresh air to pic number 8
pic 10 is the ehaust from flower into the y pipe gong to the 4 in tube from 6 in




Active Member
Very neat and organized, good job! If it were me, I would turn the fan that pushes air thru the light around, put the Y on the last light, one goes to the four inch hole into the garage and the other to the scrubber and see what happens! The air going into your basement will be coming from the garage and some thru the scrubber! Something to thing about! It might be too much heat for your basement and or still have some smell! Or see if you can find a fan that has more cmf? You are kinda in a pickle not being able to add more holes! Even without running co2, you can still grow some good plants with those temps, it's not perfect but it will work!

The Count

Well-Known Member
Are those lumatek ballasts? If so they run pretty hot and those alone are adding some heat to your room... any way of putting them outside in another room?


Ok there is a lot of information to take in and a $hip loadof great ideas. Thanks for all of the input.

Here is where I’m going to start. On the a/c just don’t wantto go that direction. Cost more and there should be a realistic way to do thisin an area this size. Hell I could be very wrong and look stupid right now.

The count
“Agree with vortex being a good choice...also with the 6'' to 4''... is it right at the exhaust or is it going to travelin the 4'' for a little bit?”

This is only ashort run. 1’ or 2’ tops straight run from flower to the garage.
On this I am going to change it from thelight exhaust, and the carbon scrubber to just the carbon scrubber Phreshscrubber ceiling mounted.


“There is only one option you have to gothrough with this, so listen up. Take one duct from your intake from yourbasement, run in through your lights, and out the opening that you currentlyuse for fresh intake”

I hear ya on that. Done deal, quick circlein through the lights and back out the next joist in the ceiling.

Now that this is something I’m willing todo I will loose 1 of my intakes for fresh air coming from my basement. How do Ire supply the fresh air. This would mean that I will have to also put anotherhole in the ceiling to bring back in that fresh air, or I can just give it ashot then worry about it.

Old Dude
“I reread your post, sooo, you are running2 six inch fans thru 1 four inch exhaust?? How about turning your fan around soit exhaust thru the 6 inch hole, split the input to”..
I know that the fan I have does 425 cfm orso and the scrubber should be rated for around 300 to 500 or something. Ibought it so long ago don’t really remember, but any way I would not think thatthe one solo 6” would be able to draw enough through it and all 3 of thelights. This is also another angle totry. I see one thing is getting that scrubber in the ceiling on the other endof the room. Humm I have a lot of thinking to do Lucy.

Second part Old Dude.

I can’t bring myself to suck air from thegarage to the room. The only thing Icould think of is if my wife or some how the car is running even for a min.even with the garage open just seems dangerous.

The Count

Great idea lol hello move the ballast. Ihave bought 3 of the 14gauge 9” cords will do first thing. That is an easy 2-4deg difference in the temp I would think.

Dude my garage sounds like an airportlol. This is why I wanted seasoned vetsthat have tried all the ship I have. I am thinking with this information Ishould be going to be just fine.

Thanks for all of the advice…

Happy growing


Active Member
Or make the 4 inch exhaust hole 6-8 inches and don't tell your wife!! Do not ask her, JUST DO IT:):) I've never been married:)


Well-Known Member
How about this? Put a carbon filter on your one of your hoods, and exhaust them out of the hole in the ceiling. The filter stays inside the room and exhausts your room. Put two intake fans on the hole to the garage, and the hole to the basement. Assuming both the garage and basement have cool temps, you will have two cool fresh intakes to your room.

Another option is to put a carbon filter in the basement outside your room, run it through your lights and hole in the ceiling. Put a fan to suck air out of your flowering room into the basement, and have the hole in garage be the intake.

What do you think?


I actually came close to what u have suggested. I will put up some new pics tonight. I still have not kicked the heat issue but I am honing in on it.

I do have one question with the air cooled hoods.
from my understanding there is no way in hell that you can get the temps under the glass to 77 deg. About 6" away from the glass. It is not hot to hold your hand under it but the thermometer is stating that the temps are like 90 deg plus. The rest of my room is like 84.

With that being said how do you judge your temps. It is always going to be hotter directly under the lights at 6" from the glass.

Could someone explain please


Please help,

Im just tying to understand how to maintain the temps under my air cooled hoods.

I hear of peeps stating they can put the hoods 6" to 8" away from top of plants. I can't figure out how to keep the canopy below 90 directly under the lights.

Any help would be great
