Hello to all, I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am the loving wife of a husband that has kidney failure and severe restless legs syndrome. There is nothing to be done with his kidney failure except dialysis but the big problem is his restless legs syndrome. He has tried multiple prescribed medications which most of them turns him into a zombie but still nothing helps. He has tried smoking pot and it really helps him especially to sleep. He mentioned this to his doctors and they all said if it helps to continue smoking it but none will sign to help him become legal in buying or growing it. Maybe I should mention we are from Canada. We have no other options but try and grow it on our own. I have been reading up on it for the last couple of weeks and I believe I am making progress. If anyone can suggest a simple step by step instruction method I would appreciate it. I have already ordered some seeds (female), so I should be ready to start in the next 3 to 4 weeks. Hopefully, if I need help I will be able to come back to this site to seek information. Thank you in advance.