NEWBIE!, Plant has brown spots.


New Member
Hi guys,
First ever grow here and and I have a plant that has developed brown spots, I have tested the run off and it was around 6.3, I was watering with 6.2 but have bumped it to 6.5. I am using blumats, they over watered for the first bit but I have them adjusted now and they don't start dripping till my soil moisture meter is around 6 out of 10(10 being too wet). It stared the coloration a couple of days ago and has gotten worse. I believed it was a calcium deficiency but not 100% sure. I went and bought calmag today and added some because I figured it wouldn't hurt but wanted to make sure I'm treating the right thing. Please comment with what you believe it is.IMG_0859.JPG
Agree, waaaay too wet! Recommend you start hand watering until you learn how much moisture is correct, then perhaps you can add and tweak your drip system; also steady pH of 6.5 for best results, forget about runoff, at least until you know why you're checking it. Good luck!

Yes all of my plants have a little for some reason despite my humidity. being actually a little too low 45-53%.

Btw the "some reason" is because you've in effect created a Swampy Marsh. Next is root rot if it doesn't drown first, it's likely already underway, do you smell it yet?
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Too wet for sure.... what did you decide out of all this. I'm about to setup blumat on more advanced veg plants. Only bc I have to go out of town for 2 weeks . Thanks in advance.
Its just a simple learning curve don't be to hard on yourself we were all there once. I'm not a soil grower (as far as cannabis goes) but that's not far off hydroponics :) I agree you should hand water until you get a feel for it. I would take it out of that swamp, take another pot and fill it with fresh soil mix then dig around the plant with a garden shovel (to be safe give yourself 1" past the leaf tips so you don't damage the roots). Then dig out a hole in the new pot and try to take all the soil and roots undisturbed and transfer them over.

Feel the weight of the pot, put it on a bathroom scale if you need to. Then you have a good idea of roughly when you need to water. The dirt guys will have a better option i'm sure

1 piece of advice... Stop loving your plant to death. Keep it simple and don't throw a ton of supplements at it. Without the experience you will do more harm than good.
Ya just water the plant like a lot less,until it dries out and is light to pick up.. also if you stick your finger in the soil its dry a few inches down. If this is your 1st grow in soil you should make things easier for yourself and water by hand. Just grab lowes or home depot 5 gal buckets and fill up how ever many you need to water all your plants. If you don't have a ro water filter just fill them with tap and let them sit open with no cap for 24 hrs, then you're good to go. Just use a simple veg and flower nute with some protekt, bottle of powder beneficial like plant success, and some sugar. I think running a drip system for your 1st soil grow is a bit much.
You can get a oscillating fan blowing air more towards the floor around the pots helping the soil dry out. Keep your humidity right where it is and even let the temps get up to 80 degrees. Definitely hand water after.