Newbie Question; Is it my moment??? When to pull the OUTDOOR crops?


I got an outdoor grow going and with the upcoming weather and rain I need to know if the time has come.

Plants are POs Tangerine Haze (mostly cloudy, barely any ambers) POs Chem x Tahoe (mostly cloudy, some amber, little clear) (from seeds I got back in February), and Greenhouse Seeds the Church (mostly cloudy, some milky, some clear).

I've been checking them with my trich scope daily and harvested POs Sour Dubble, Las Vegas Purple Kush yesterday due to moisture, bud rot from caterpillars, and the upcoming weater front. I lost about a third of my harvest on these to bud rot from worms. I also have a SAGE plant from TH Seeds hanging and drying in the closet.

On Sunday, I was planning to do a final trim on the plants in the closet and have room for these babies when it is time.

What do you guys think??? Is this my moment???? I want some really dank night time stuff and was hoping that these would be it.

Let me know what you all think. I am very much a newbie first time grower who feels blessed to be surrounded by wise people at PO (esp. Z and Zack from 44 seeds) and others on the internet. Without them I would have never been able to yield much or learned as much as I did this year about growing.





Active Member
They look ready for an early harvest, if you want that kind of high. Otherwise could go a week , 10 days. If there is serious risk of losing them, I would chop now or soon.

Why not cut off a bud, quick dry it and smoke it? Give you an idea of where you are.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants.

I'm with fly-guy. The chem one is either done right now, or maybe a week depending on you personal preference. The others, maybe 2 more weeks give or take.

On rain, dense buds are prone to rot if they get and stay wet, especially late in the year when there is less sun to dry them off.

I don't know your situation, but with less covering foliage around, outdoor grows may be more prone to rip-off or detection near harvest time.

If some of your other buds have rotted, and you've got caterpillar issues, and you're worried about ongoing bad weather and/or not being able to check the buds frequently, then harvest as soon as you are able. Better to harvest early than take a big loss to rot or theft.

If you think you can check on these every day, you can go maybe another 1-2 weeks, or harvest as soon as you see any evidence of rot. If it does rain, shake extra moisture off the tops manually to help prevent rot.